16. Tears

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  • Dedicated to Ian Somerhalder (The one and only)

No one could stop the tears from flowing down my face. My heart was in pain, and it hurt so bad.

Almost a month has passed since I've last seen Ian. And I spent the first week in my house just groaning. I can shamefully say that I've gained a few pounds since I've been eating soothing food. And by eating soothing food, I mean all kinds of chocolate.

The second week was when Claire forced me to go out. We went to the movies and guess what?

Ian had a small role in it.

Bursting into tears, I ran home and stayed in my house once more for a few days.

I can't do this. My heart can't take this much hurt.

Now all I do is lay down in my bed all day replaying sweet memories that me and Ian shared.

-------- beginning of flashback-------

There he was. Ian Somerhalder. He was standing right infront of me.

"Hello." He said.

It was Ian. He stood there in his handsome tuxedo, looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes. My lungs were closing into my chest, my brain felt like it fell to the floor.

"hhhhiii.." I said, nervously.

He had been alot taller than I expected but alot more handsome. I wasn't sure what was wrong with me. I couldn't move for a moment.

"You look beautiful." He said.


"I have never been in a Limo before." I confessed.

"Well, I am glad that your first time is with me." He said, opening the door for me


I took a sip out of the glass filled with water and rested it back on the table. When I looked back at Ian, he was still smiling.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked.

"You. I like you.


Ian, what are you doing here? In Boston?" I asked.

I knew everyone in the room was wondering the same thing.

"I came here for you. You didn't say good bye." He said, kissing me on the cheek.


Lisa! Lisa, Guess what?" He yelled with a huge smile on his face.

Ian was breathing really hard, almost panting. He was walking rapidly towards me.

"What?" I replied.

Ian picked me up and twirled me. He seemed so happy, I wondered what for...

"I... I bought a house." He said.

I quickly looked at Pete who was a second ago giving a speech of how he would leave.

"You bought a house? That is a big step." I replied.

"Well, yea. I... I was thinking last night, after I left you that... I wanted to stay here, with you." He said.


I have always wanted to buy a house, have a reason to buy a house." He said.

"What is that reason?" I asked with confusion.

"You." He whispered, giving me a kiss.


Elizabeth," Ian whispered. I liked the way he said my name. "It was about 2 weeks ago that I first saw you. The very first time, I was mesmerized, your beauty. I liked the fact that you read Jane Austen to calm down. I loved your dress that brought out your beautiful brown eyes and your golden hair. After that amazing night with you, I knew that I needed to see you again. Lisa , you are different, you make me feel different. 2 weeks, that was how long it took for me to fall in love with you."

I gasped at his speech. It wasn't taken from a movie, it wasn't practised and it wasn't fake.

"Elizabeth, I am in love with you. With every perfect big thing and all the little flaws." He said.

I was speechless. My breath shortened, and my knees weakened.

"I love you too, Ian. " I replied. I finally was able to say them.

-------- end of flashback---------

A smile crept on my face thinking about the first time Ian told me he loved me. It was when he bought his house, the day I gave into him and we connected in a way two people can.

I know that I shouldn't be crying over him because I was the one who ended it with the one person I've ever loved and cared about, but if I didn't do it he would.

I know that half the things I said to Ian that night on the valley when I broke up with him, it wasn't true. I know that now.

I've learned that if I didn't do it, he would. I've saved myself from a lot of heartbreak, but why cant I move on.

A thought popped into my mind, which I knew was stupid, but I know would give me the satisfaction I need.

Running down the stairs and opening the door, I ran to my car.


Author's note

Oooo... A cliffhanger. I know, not that hooking.

Anyways... I did enjoy writing this chapter because I liked recalling the moments they had. It was sweet.

Hate me all you want for breaking them up. I still love you.

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(Editing) On a date with Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now