40. Pregnant

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Lisa's POV

Yesterday was beyond fun and exciting. But I knew something was wrong.
Not even normal me would want Ian that much. I mean, even after I was so sore I still asked for more. 16 times in one day wasn't normal.
Then I thought about it. Like really though.

I was constantly hormonal, wanting to jump Ian's bones. I was very emotional, crying at Ian's proposal. I threw up which Is morning sickness.
But.. wait...

Was I pregnant?

I panicked taking in a couple of deep breaths.

I'm alright. It's fine.
I'm not even sure. I could just be getting my period. That would explain my emotions and hormones.

I stood up from my bed and walked into the bathroom with my phone in hand.
I called the one person I knew could help.

"Hello?" she answered

"Em, do you think I can come over?" I asked.

"Sure babe... when?"

"Maybe In a half hour. I need to buy something and I'll be right over."

"Love ya babe." she giggled.

"Love you too." I smiled.
I hung up the phone and placed it beside the sink.

The mirror showed my messy reflection. My hair was in different directions, and that I could blame on ian, but I had bags under my eyes.

I opened the tap and washed my face, trying to relax.

Am I ready to be carrying a child? to me a mother? with ian?

But I can't be thinking these things when I'm not even sure.

Am I even pregant?

After getting ready and giving Ian a kiss good bye, I took a cab to the nearest pharmacy and bought 2 pregnancy tests.
Running back to Emily's place, I frantically knocked on the door.

"Coming! I'm coming!" she yelled from behind the door.

Once she opened it, I barged in and sat on the couch.

I'm a nervous wreck.

"Liz? what's wrong?" she asked.

I just looked at my fingers in response. The words wouldn't come out.

"Is it Ian?" she questioned.

"Actually no. Everything with Ian is perfect." I smiled at the memory of his proposal. "He remembers everything, and proposed to me the day before yesterday."

"What?!" she screamed. "And you're just telling me now!?"

"Well, yesterday I was a bit sex crazed." I giggled

"That's amazing.... lemme see the ring!" she squealed.

I showed her my hand as she just gaped at the ring.
It was beautiful and I knew that.

"It's amazing. Simpler but at the same time beautiful." She smiled. "But I think I like mine more."

It took me only a moment to realize what she said.

"He proposed!? when?!" I laughed.

Now I was squealing.

"Yesterday." she smiled.

I smiled and looked down to both our hands.

"We are getting married." Emily laughed.

I couldn't hold it any longer. The words were aching to be let out into the air.

"I may be pregnant!" I yelled.

There was a pause and then a short squel, again.

"That's amazing..." but once she looked at my face "or not? why aren't you happy?"

"I have no idea. I love ian, and I want to have children, but don't you think I'm too young?" I muttered.

"Of course not. You love him and you're getting married to him. You have nothing to worry about." She smiled. Her eyes shifted to the brown bag in my hands. "Are those the pregancy tests?"

I nodded.

"Oh babe, come on. Let's go take them." She smiled.

After I peed on both the sticks I smiled at emily, a tear rolling down my eyes.

"Honey, why are you crying?" she asked.

"It's just... I'm so lucky to have you." I said sniffing.

She just hugged me while we waited for 2 minutes to be up.
When Emily's phone buzzed or the finished of the timer, I closed my eyes.

I took multiple deep breaths and picked up the pregnancy sticks.

"Here goes. " I say looking at the sticks.

I gasped at the result.

Authors note

Hahahah shah. I left a cliffhanger. Woohoo. I'm so evil. MuahahahahahhhHaha.

Anyways, I know it's a short chapter, but I'll upload soon enough the next one.

Please comment, vote, add to your library and message me. Whatever you like.

(I'm aiming for 6 votes and 6 comments before I post the next chapter.)

We could chat about Ian somerhalder's perfection or our obsession with TVD. Anything.

Love AnnabelleR

(Editing) On a date with Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now