29. Finding closure

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Why was I even here?

It needed to be done, I needed to know.
I had to find closure.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the hotel door.

"Coming!" the person shouted from the other side of the door.

The door swung open and my eyes met with the blue ones that belonged to the man I loved.

"Elizabeth?" Ian whispered which sent shivers down my body.

I quickly gazed over his body, noticing he looked sexy without even trying. He was wearing a simple sweat pants and a white shirt. He looked breath takingly sexy.

"Ian... I need to speak to you." I said trying to hide the shaking in my voice.

Ian just opened the door wider, leaving me enough space to go through.
I walked into the huge suite and I smiled. It was big and comfortable.
Before me was a mirror and it allowed me to view myself.
I looked like a mess with only pants and a baggy one shoulder grey shirt.
I guess I should've worn something better.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Ian said from behind me.
I turned around looking at ian, his hands holding to glasses of wine.
I took it in my hand, knowing I'll need it for what I was going to say, and sat down on the couch.

"Mathew proposed." I muttered only loud enough for him to hear me.

I found him frowning at me as he sat beside me.

"Why are you telling me this?" he asked.

His voice was strong and husky, one that I've very much missed.

"I really don't know." I sighed. "I don't know anything. I just wondered why my mind would always think of you when I'm with him."

"You think of me?" he asked moving closer as I moved farther.

"I do. I mean it's involuntary."

Ian scooted closer making me flinch and move away again, but I was only met by the side of the couch. I was trapped.

"Do you want to marry him?" he asked as his thigh touched mine.
His touch made me shake as I stood up to get away from his proximity which only made him stand up and pin me against the wall.

"I don't know." I frowned. "I never do know. I try, try to think of my future with him but I can't."

"But you love him, don't you?" He asked.

I knew that my answer might hurt him, but I think we both needed closure.

"I do." I said.

He frowned and backed away only for me to grab his hand and walk to him. I let out bodies touch for a few moments, letting the feel of him render in.
I missed him. I missed our bodies touching like this.

"Can I ask you something?" he said. "And I want you to answer with all honesty and I don't want 'I don't know'. okay?"

I nodded silently as he then pushed my to the wall once again. He looked down and so did I, as I saw our hands holding each other's.
It felt like they were puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together.
I looked up to see Ian smile lightly.

"Do you love me?" he whispered in my ear.

"Yes." I said without hesitation.

"Are you still in love with me?" he asked.


"Now this question, and your answer either will fix everything or mess it up. It will change everything."

His hot breath on my neck made my body shake and I felt like trembling down. I was afraid of his question and what he meant about messing or fixing things.

"Is your love for me stronger than your love for him?" He said.

His hands moved to my waist while mine stayed by my side. I knew I needed to answer.

I already knew the truth. I was in love with mathew, but somehow my love for Ian was stronger and more pure.

"Yes.." but before I could continue, his lips crashed on mine making my body set on fire.

It felt so good having his lips on mine once again and I knew what I felt was never gone. I still loved him and the kiss proved it.

"I love you Elizabeth... say no to him and I will be all yours." He said kissing my forehead lightly. "You will be all mine and we will be happily together."

"Ian..." I said wrapping my hands around his neck. "I do love you. That's the only thing I know for sure, but I can't be with you."

I let my lips part, barely touching his, out breaths both hitching.


"Your famous, a celebrity... there will always be that one woman who wants you, and maybe one day you won't love me as much, and go for the easier way out." I sighed. "My heart can't stand heartbreak, I'm too weak."

"I would never cheat on you neither would I ever stop loving you. The day you told me we couldn't be together literally broke me. I know now why you did though, you were saving yourself the heartbreak. but the thing is, the past few months, all I thought about was you. Every girl I've been with never inched up to you. Lisa, you are smart, talented and the most beautiful woman I've ever met. I love you and always will."

"But... the fame. The day my boss came onto me, I had paparazzi at my door. I can't handle that, I'm not made for a life like that."

"But it doesn't have to be that way. I love you and I would do anything for you. Even leave my fame behind."


"If not being famous anymore is what I have to do to be with you... then I don't care. I'll give it up."

"But I can't let you do that. One day you will wake up and not like the normal life you have. You would regret it."

My feet began to shake so we both walked to the edge of the bed sitting down.

"That's just it. I want a normal life and I want it with you. I want to know my neighbors and go to work. I want to come home to find you sitting on the couch. And maybe, just maybe, I want to a hold a child that has you're wonderful eyes and my black hair. A little piece of you and me." He said

A tear escaped my eye, but it wasn't because I was sad.

"Actually, I thought of having a little boy with your blue eyes. He would be such a charmer."

Both Ian and I laughed. I felt his hand touch my face kissing my lips lightly.

"Life doesn't have to be complicated anymore. Just say no to him and stay with me. Let me love you."

I silently nodded as his grin grew. Within moments his lips was on mine, kissing me passionately.
I smiled knowing that I was finally with him.
"You don't know how much I missed you." he whispered kissing my cheeks.

Our bodies morphed together as if they were missing pieces of a puzzle.
I was finally home.

"I love you." I whispered before I fell into a deep sleep, finally in the arms of the man I truly loved.


Authors note

Just a quick clear up.
I'm not nearly as done with this story. I still have a lot planned that would take 20 chapters.
Hehehehe, more problems.

Anyways, finally! right?
I've missed Lian as much as you guys have and had a smile on my face when I wrote this.
Finally they are back together, both fully in love... but wait... what happens next?

Please comment (tell me what you think about the chapter), add to library and vote.

Love, AnnabelleR xoxo

(Editing) On a date with Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now