39. Questions

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Ian's POV

Ian's face fell and I saw his once smile fall into a grimace.

"I didn't mean that. Ian..." I lowered myself so we were at the same height. "I didn't mean it." I giggled.

"What?" He questioned, hope filling his eyes.

"I just wanted a sense of free will. I love you Ian somerhalder. Yes, I will marry you." I smiled, a smile that reached my eyes.

Ian stood up, grabbing me with him, spinning me around.

I love this man. I have and forever will love him.

After a moment of joy, Ian stopped and layed me touching the floor. He immediately shot to his back pocket and reached out of the ring.
The diamond ring shined so bright in the moonlight as I smiled widely.
Ian slipped the ring on my finger as It fit perfectly.

"I love you. I love you. I love you." Ian kissed me between his words.

I couldn't even form my happiness in words. Everything was perfect.

I stepped back from Ian, getting ready to pour my heart out.
I held onto his hands as we both sat down, and I layed my head on his shoulder.

"Ian..." I muttered.


"I love you so much. Thank you for everything." I said holding my hand.

Ian tightened his hold on my hand to reasure me.

"You don't get it." I said lifting my head to look up a him. "You keep saying you're lucky to have me, but the truth is that I am. Ian, you are perfect. You are so thoughtful and amazing.
I have loved you all this time and will forever love you, Ian somerhalder. Thank you. Thank you." I smiled kissing him.

His lips have never tasted so sweet and so amazing.

"Come on. Let's go home."

I smiled.
Home wasn't where I lived, it was Ian. I would gladly go around the world only if I had Ian with me. He was my world, my air and that's all I need.

We arrived at our table and walked to our limo.

"Hey, shouldn't we..." I said

"Nope. I have it all taken care of." Ian smiled.

Ian lead me into the limousine and we sat beside each other. I grinned grabbing Ian's hand.
Everything in me wanted Ian right now. I wanted him, I wanted to kiss him... so that's exactly what I did.
The kiss immediately became rougher and more passionate.
When we both needed air, I parted my lips but continued to kiss his cheek. Ian made a sound in the back of his throat which made me smile.

"Lisa..." he moaned trying to get my attention.


"I have to tell you something." He said his hands gripping tighter on my waist.

I pulled my lips from his chest, looking into his eyes.

"What is it?" I asked, cupping his face.

"I remember." He said simply

"What?" I questioned.

"I remember everything. I remember every date, every conversation." He smirked.

My grin grew wider with every breath.

"You remember everything?"

"I do."

Once what he said finally sunk in, I began to panic.
I crawled off his lap and sat beside him, trying my hard to breath.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"You're back. But... do you still want to marry me?"

Ian proposed, but what if the old ian, wasn't ready to get married to me. What if he didn't want to?

"Yes. Of course I still do. Why would you even ask that?"
"Oh, I just thought..." I couldn't continue.
Now that I thought about my reason it sounded worse.

"Lisa, I've known since yesterday."

My heart stop dead in its tracks.

"You have?"

"Yes I have. and I've had this ring since before we broke up."

"Really?" I said smiling.

"Yes. "

My lips curled upwards as I rested my head on his shoulder.
All through the ride we talked about all that he remembered.
Our little conversations, watching tv together. Everything. He remembered everything.

When we arrived at my apartment, I was so tired that Ian had to carry me bridal style all the way to the elevator and to our room.

"Mmm... What are you doing?" I smirked.

"You're dead tired right now, so Im letting you sleep. " He smiled, himself stripping down and wore his pajamas.

"You're so sexy." I smiled slowly dozing off.

Ian already knew by now that I talk a lot before I sleep. That I'm very honest and... hot... before I doze off.

"I know I am baby." Ian whispered.

"Come on..." I smiled tugging on his arm to bring him closer to me.

"Darling... you have to sleep."

I silently nodded and moved myself closer to him, cuddling his body.

My life is perfect.

Authors note

Hahahaha, I got you there in the beginning with the 'no'.

Now I don't know if you'll be happy or sad but I'm not done with the story yet.
I was thinking of doing just an epilogue of their marriage but I just need to close of some relationships.
So I'm guessing, 5 more chapters and an epilogue and I'm done.

Thank you for sticking around this far.

Oh and.. I know this may sound greedy but I was hoping all you silent readers could atleast comment and vote.
So I need atleast, 5 votes and 5 comments before I post the next chapter.

Love, AnnabelleR

(Editing) On a date with Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now