17. Living life again

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I sat in my car, breathing while my eyes hooked on the house.

Slowly stepping out, I took a deep breath holding the thing I treasured the most. I walked to the porch, climbing up the small steps and sat on them.

It didn't take long until a stream of tears fell down my face. I just kept replaying the same moment in my head.
The time when Ian gave me the necklace.

---------- beginning of flashback-------

It was the same day I saw Ian at the cafe. After I exited the cafe, I ran home and sobbed my eyes out. Claire ha called me multiple times but I had ignored it needing to be alone.

I opened the door to a soaking wet Ian. He stood there looking as if he was deciding something.

"Listen... don't shut the door. Please just listen." he muttered looking innocent.

I wasn't going to shut the door but I wanted to. I wanted to hurt him as much as he did, but I couldn't. So I stood there as he still mentally debated something in his head.
A few moments after he raised his head and started speaking.

"I know you hate me. I hate myself. I just couldn't spend another day without seeing you." He whispered as water fell down his face and soaked him more. "I don't expect you to forgive me, but why would you when I haven't explained."

"I just need to give you this." he said lifting his clenched hand and slowly opening it.
I stared at the object in his hand. It was a necklace. It had some kind of jem which seemed to be crystal. It was in the shape of a heart.

I looked back into Ian's eyes, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to come out.

He took a step closer, grabbing t hand and placed the necklace.

"Ian." I whispered not knowing what to say.

"It was my mothers. She told me to give it to the person I loved and wanted to spend the rest of my life with." He said taking another step so that he was only one feet away from me.

I gasped and hoped he was kidding. 'Give it to the person I loved and wanted to spend the rest of my life with.'
How could he say something like that when we have been apart for two weeks, when he cheated on me.

"I know you're mad, and I will let you. I just want you to have this..." he said before letting go of to hand and walking away.

I wanted so bad to chase after him in the rain and kiss him. I wanted everything to be alright, but it wasn't.

------- end of flashback--------
I just needed to see his house. To make sure he wasn't there.
I had the key. I could go in?

I just needed some kind of closure. Something to remind me of him, other than the necklace.
I took out my key and went in. A swift breeze of an odor hit my nose. This house reminds me of ian, his style in decorating, his smell. Everything.

But it's empty. Just like my heart.

Walking back to my car, I entered and decided to stop sobbing over Ian. Over what happened. It was time to move on, and that's what I was going to do.

I need to move on from Ian and start living my life again.


Author's note

Now I know this chapter was a short one and only consisted of a flashback, it needed to be written so I can write more interesting chapters.

Now this flashback I havent shown you, so you didn't know it happened.

Please tell me what you think about this chapter. Do you have any question... If you do... please ask.

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(Editing) On a date with Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now