13. Agreement

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Lisa's POV

I sobbed for three days before I got the courage to go out. It was only because of Claire did I consider getting fresh air.

I was heart broken, and felt cheated.

I knew that when good things happen, they never last long. Every good moment has an expiration date.

I moaned at the happiness me and Ian once shared. I missed him, I missed his kisses and his hugs, his words of wisdom to me. I needed him, but where was he? with some girl....

Claire and I were sitting at a table in an out door cafe that had just opened. It has chains of stores all around the world, so it was a big deal when it opened.

I knew I looked like a mess, red eyes and puffy face but I didn't care. I just stopped caring.

As I sat there, staring at the store across the street, drinking my mocha frappe with no emotion, and my eye caught a motion. I recognized someone.

Someone I had both loved and hated.

All in a second, I dropped my drink onto the table, shocked to my core.


"What's wrong?" Claire said with a worried concern on her face.

I pointed to the hollister store that Ian stood in.

That bastard. Why the hell is he here? in boston? to show off his new girl in my face.

I broke down and ran To the bathroom. I couldn't stand looking at him, or being in the same state as him.

I stood before the mirror looking at myself. What have I done to my self? what has Ian done to me?

I quickly washed my face, fixing my make up and my hair. I wouldn't dare show how much Ian affected me. I would go past him as if I was completely fine... even though he broke my heart into a million pieces and set them on fire.

As I walked out of the bathroom, I saw Claire who seemed to be yelling at Ian. I smiled watching him frown.

What was she talking to him about?


Claire's POV

"What the hell man!?" I yelled at Ian once Lisa went to the bathroom.

She needed time to clean up herself.

"What Do you want?" Ian said with annoyance.

If you had told me a year ago that I would be here, outside of hollister yelling at Ian somerhalder, I would call you crazy. But never, never in my mind did I think that someone as good as Ian could break someone as sweet as Lisa's heart.

"Why the hell did you break up with her? tell her that you didn't love her anymore."

"Oh so now I'm the bad guy. I come home a day early to surprise the girl I love and find her kissing her best friend!" he yelled back.

I suddenly understood everything. Ian had seen her that day. The day when Peter kissed Lisa unwillingly. What a huge misunderstanding.

"Ian you dumbass!" I yelled. "He kissed her. Lisa was attacked by the paparazzi because her boss called her a slut and made a move on her, Peter was there to help her... when you weren't. And he kissed her!" I screamed.

Now I was really pissed. He didn't even wait for an explanation and immediately judged her. He thought Lisa would cheat on him, but she isn't that kind of girl. I guess he didn't know her at all.

"Oh." he muttered.

"Yea... oh." I mimicked him angrily.

He just stood there looking down at the floor. I did feel bad for yelling at him harshly, but I guess he deserved it. He broke my best friends heart... and all she did was moan.

At the sound of the café's bell door ribg, I turned my head to find Lisa standing by the door looking better than she had moments ago.

I watched as Ian's head turned with shock. His eyes gleamed looking at her, and she did the same. I knew she still loved him, and he still did to. But it was matter of who loved each other more.

"Lisa..." he whispered walking towards her.

The moment they met eyes, she took a step back, then another. By then she was running backwards, away from Ian. I watched as Ian tried to chase her, but soon gave up after cursing bad words and fisting the air in anger.

"Claire.. you have to help me." he said gasping for air

"Why the hell would I do that when you cheated on her, and broke her heart." I said nastily

It didn't matter who he was, whether a celebrity or the god damn president. No one hurts my best friend.

"Because I love her. And I never cheated on her." he said. "I only said that because I saw her kissing Pete. The girl on the phone was my sister."

"That even makes it worse. You made her think that you didn't love her anymore."

"I do love her. More than anything in the world. I wasn't thinking right, and I was an asshole." He apologized.

I wanted so much for his apology to be true. I really hoped what I was about to do, wouldn't end up bad again.

"You'll have to earn my trust as week as hers if you want to work things out. that is if you really love her."

"I do. I'm in love with her..." he whispered.

(Editing) On a date with Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now