12. The help

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Lisa's POV

I still hadn't opened up the subject to Claire even though we had been speaking for more than half an hour. But now it's time for me to tell her.

"Claire..." I sighed. "Pete kissed me."

I blurted out those words that were so heavy on my tongue.

"I know." she replied.

I couldn't believe what I heard. Did she know this whole time? did she plan this?

"What? what do you mean you know?" I asked

"I... I knew Peter would kiss you."


"I... I told him to." She explained.

Before she could say anything else I closed the line on her face. What the hell did she mean by she told him to kiss me?

Was she jealous of me and ian?

No. why the hell would I think like that? Claire has been my best friend since childhood.

I remember this once incident when we both had a crush on the same boy. It was valentines day, both of us hoping we would receive valentines, but only I did. It was from the same boy. Even back then she wasn't jealous, and I returned his valentines. Me and Claire ended up being each other's valentines.

But back then we were both 4.

I love Claire with all my heart....

My phone rang and I answered knowing exactly who it was.

"I'm sorry." we both said in unison.

"I really am." Claire said.

"Me too. I should listen to the whole story before I judge."

"Open your door and I'll explain everything."

Without wasting any second longer, I jumped off my bed and ran downstairs. Opening the door, I welcomed her with a big hug.

We sat down together on the couch with a glass of water in our hands.

Yet again, we sat talking about light subjects like movies, and even fashion.

"Listen... I knew somehow that Peter liked you, maybe even loved you." she said breaking the tension "but I didn't tell him directly to kiss you."

"Then how did you tell him?" I asked trying to sound calm, even though in the inside I wasn't.

"He asked me indirectly what he should do if he liked someone. I really thought he was over you, but after I told him to make a move, I realized he was talking about you." She sighed. "He didn't tell me that he was going to kiss, but I predicted it. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

I looked at this the wrong way. How could I even assume that she told him to kiss me....

"I'm sorry for thinking something else."

After we got that out of the way, we continued speaking lightly.

In between our conversation, somehow Claire had convinced me to call Ian.

I wasn't calling him because she told me to, or because I felt guilty, but it was that I missed him.

I picked up my phone and dialed up his number, walking into the kitchen.

"Hello." a woman answered the phone surprising me.

"Hello?" I asked confused.

"Are you one of those crazy fans? if you are, Ian is in the shower, please don't call again." she said.

"But..." I said, but before I could continue she closed the line.

I couldn't process anything.

Ian. A woman answered the phone... he was in the shower and she was in his house.

A tear ran down my face as I saw Claire rush to my side.

Ian... girl... shower...


Ian's POV

"Do you feel better?" she asked.

"No." I sighed.

After I arrived at Boston, and seeing what I saw, Robyn, my sister, came to help me. She knew I wasn't well.

I wore comfortable clothes and layed down onto the couch, with Robyn by my side.

"Oh, by the way... some crazy fan called for you. don't worry, I handled it." she said.

It was surprising that one of the fans could find my number, but it wasn't the first time.

"So... what happened?" she asked resting her hand onto the couch.

"Well... trying not to make myself sound like a sappy boyfriend and making Claire sound like an evil girl, I'll tell you what happened." I said.

I explained to Robyn what I had seen. Lisa, kissing her shirtless best friend in the kitchen. How she had her hands all over his chest, and his hands all over her body.

I would have stormed into the kitchen and punched him, but I couldn't. I wasn't going to be that kind of guy.

But I couldn't believe that Lisa would be the kind of girl that would do that.

"I'm sorry.." Robyn said.

I definelty felt like the broken hearted boyfriend, but how could I not. I loved her.

The phone rang as Robyn huffed out air and answered it.

"What?!" she yelled.

"You again!? stop calling!" Robyn yelled.

I felt bad for the poor fan, and it wasn't her fault. I took the phone from Robyn and answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

I heard a gulp on the other side of the line.

"Ian?" I heard a girl say.

Her voice was very familiar, and it only took me a few seconds to realize whose it belonged to.

"Lisa?" I replied.

"Is that THE lisa?" Robyn whispered. I nodded silently.

"Ian! I've been trying to call you but, some girl said you were in the shower." she exclaimed.

"I was."

"Ian... Are you... with her?" she asked taking a breath.

I didn't want to lie to her. But she hurt me...

"Yes." I said.

"What? Ian... no. You're lying. I love you, and you love me." she cried.

It broke my heart hearing her cry. I couldn't take it. All I wanted to do was run to her house and take her into my arms.

"I lovED you." I said and closed the line.

"I guess you handled that well." Robyn said.

I don't think I did.

I just broke the heart of the woman I love.



Hey everyone. Happy new year!

I can't believe its 2014. I've made it for another year....

So... how did you guys like this chapter?

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It is one of my new year resolutions to finish this book and get it famous or something.

I'd love to hear about what you think.

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(Editing) On a date with Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now