35. Getting a little too comfy

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Ian's POV

"Is that all?" Lisa asked as we carried the last few boxes into her apartment.

I honestly have no idea what were in these boxes since I didn't pack it, but my mom said it were my possessions.

"I guess so."

"Good, I don't think I could handle anymore." she giggled and she placed down the box.

Her hair was tied in a messy bun, showing off her structured face. Her green eyes sparkled even lighter in the light.

She was beautiful. Even in sweat pants and an oversized shirt that fell off the side of her shoulder.

Every minute I spent with her, she became more familiar by the second. Sometimes when our hand touched, I would get a small flash back, but when we kissed, I would get the whole memory.

All I know about my past was that I really loved her... and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

I watched as Lisa stood up and went to the fridge getting out a couple of eggs.

"Do you want to eat with me?" she offered hugging her lose strand of hair away from her face.

"Actually, why don't I cook pancakes for you?" I asked.

Her face went from relaxed to worried and then to surprised.

I knew that we made pancakes together before, and maybe making it would trigger something.

"Ummm... sure." she nodded.

I walked to the fridge and got out some of the ingredients.

I turned around do find Lisa leaning on the counter.

I grip her waist without hesitation, an lifted her onto the counter.

I watched as her mouth fell open, but I just smirked and turned around.

As I was beating the mix, I decided to get to know her.

"So, tell me, what's your favorite color?" I asked

"Blue, cornflower blue." she replied.

"Really...hmm... like the color of my eyes?" I questioned.

I turned around with a smirk to see her cheeks red. I chuckled and continued beating.

After a while of silence, I decided to speak again.

"Don't you wanna know my favorite color?" I asked.

"I already know, it's turquoise." She sighed.

I almost forgot for a moment that she's Been with me, or known me for almost a year.

"Oh." I turned around to look at her only to find her sniffing her shirt.

But not in checking if she smelled, but as if she was cherishing the smell.

"Why are you smelling your shirt?" I decided to ask.

"Ummm... uh.." she took a breath " It's your shirt..." she murmured.

I stared at her trying to read her expression. Without further thinking, I took one step so that I was infront of Lisa.

I put my hands on her waist and she automatically wrapped her legs around mine.

"I'm going to kiss you now..." I muttered.

She nodded lightly as I smashed my lips onto hers.

Now I didn't get butterflies or electricity, which no man gets, but I felt warm.

I felt like she was my comforter on a snow day and no heater. It's like I needed her and I had no idea why.

Just like before, a memory flashed before my eyes as if I was watching it happen.

It was of me and Lisa in bed beside each other, talking about her scar. She was beyond beautiful laying beside me.


'My first love... he did that.' Lisa sighed.

'Why?' I clenched my teeth.

'It's not that he didn't love me, but it was because he was afraid of losing me. When I was in highschool, I used to attend parties, but not big ones. He would always follow me there, and once he saw me just looking at another guy, he would force me out and beat me..' She took a breath ' then one day he just broke. He got too jealous and got a knife. That was the day I tried to break up with him. He didn't take it well... so he just... stabbed me.' tears were now running through her eyes.

' I'm so sorry Lisa. I hope he got what he deserved. He was an asshole and a son of a bitch.'

'He's in jail...'

'Then great. Cause if he wasn't, then he would've been to hell... by me. I would just like to snap his neck for hurting you.'


I pushed myself away from lisa and just threw myself beside her on the bed.

She looked at me confused as I just closed my eyes.

This was a lot.

Having flashbacks of things I don't remember doing or saying.

But it was coming back. Slowly.

"Ian.. what's wrong?" she said, her hand on my face.

A small memory once again flashed, but it was of me surprising Lisa after our date.

"No." I muttered.

"Oh..." she sighed. "I'm sorry of you didn't want this. I just..."

"No, no it's not that. I want nothing more than to kiss you and then some... it's just, I got a memory."

"Of what?" She said coming closer.

"Your scar."


"I'm so sorry for what happened to you. If I could, I would've killed him. You didn't deserve that and you don't deserve what he did."

Quietness enveloped the room.

I turned so that I was facing her, and I caught Lisa staring at me with a smile on her face.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you so damn much. I know you barely even know me, but it's just..." tears began rolling down her cheek. "It's just that you're still the same. There is some of the old Ian that I fell in love with in there... but I'm also falling for the new you."

"I'm not lying when I say this but... I might be falling for you too. I mean I get memories of our moments, of random things and it's like I'm getting to know you. But I'm trying not to live from the memories, but from right now. And right now, lisa, I'm falling in love."

"Really?" she muttered

"Yeah, I mean you got me to fall in love with you before, and now you've done the same."

She smiled, her eyes gleaming as she layed her head on my chest. I couldn't resist running my fingers through her silky straight hair. Her leg was over mine and she was hugging me.

Lisa, what are you doing to me. I barely know you and I'm falling in love with you... hard.

Authors note

Okay... so... this wasn't a very exciting chapter other than the memory Ian got.

Please tell me what you think... i would love to hear you're thoughts.

Now I'm going to go watch Harry potter with a tub of ice cream. I bet you can tell why... (someone has paid me a visit, once a month ;)

Yes I know. Tmi.

Hehheh... anyways, comment and vote.

Love always, AnnabelleR

(Red velvet cheesecake.)

(Editing) On a date with Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now