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- God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with him.


Kerrie was at the gym, running on the treadmill, after lifting some weights she needed something to cool down, still running she heard a faint sound, 'PERFECT BY ONE DIRECTION' she looked at her bag and noticed it was slightly buzzing, she quickly got off the treadmill and walked to her bag, opened it and saw she had an incoming call from her sister Kate.

"Hey Kate," she breathed out tiredly through the phone.

"Hey sis, how are you" her sister asked. Kerrie wasn't expecting her sister to call , she didn't mind it, she kind of liked it when her sister called occasionally.

It proved to Kerrie that even if her sister was miles away at law school they could still be as close as they were when Kate was still around.

It was a surprise to everyone especially to Kerrie when Kate out of the blue announced that she was going to Harvard Law school.

Not that Kate wasn't bright but her personality was wild and unpredictable.

"I'm great, how is it going at school?" Kerrie asked her sister. This was how most of Kerrie's conversations were with people through the phone. She could be so talkative and chatty when with people but she always felt a sense of awkwardness when talking through the phone.

She sat down on one of the benches and rested her head while holding the phone to her ear.

"School is great, the people here are very nice" Kate said.

"Can we talk later , its just that I'm at the gym, so" Kerrie softly said, she was already so tired. "I'm sorry for interrupting , its totally fine, we'll talk later , bye sis I love you" Kate said and hung up the phone.

Kerrie was way past tired and she pinched her nose in disgust when she smelt herself.

Glancing at her watch she saw it was already past six in the afternoon so it was best she headed home.

Picking up her things she exited the gym and spotted her car at the end of the parking lot. She groaned at her stupidity for parking it so far away .

She fast walked to her car because it was already dark outside and she did not enjoy being outside in the dark in her sports bra and gyming shorts.

She got into her car and started the engine and quickly drove off. She was a little late to get home.

She didn't have a curfew but she knew better than to make her parents worry. Her usual fifteen minute drive back home from the gym , turned into only seven minutes.

She pulled into the house she called home for as long as she could remember. She got out locking her car in the process.

She wasn't surprised when she tried opening the door and found it was locked, her parents were very cautious about thieves and burglars. Picking up the spare key from under the loose brick that is nicely camouflaged by leaves, she unlocked and opened the door.

Walking in, she set the keys down on the small table next to the door. She walked into the kitchen and saw her mom preparing dinner.

"Mom" she greeted. "Kerrie" her mom said "Your back just in time for dinner, I made my special lasagne, I'm sure you were working hard at the gym" she paused for a second "are you okay?".

Ofcourse her mother would ask those three words, Kerrie knew exactly what her mom meant by 'are you okay' It was the reason Kerrie had went to the gym to let off some steam. She had been hearing those words from her mom a lot recently.

"Yes mom, after my boyfriend cheated on me, I felt a lot better after punching some punching bags"

Kerrie snapped at her mom with an expressionless face but her heart felt like it had been stomped and ran over. She could feel it beating in her chest, but was it really there.

"I'm sorry mom I'll just go upstairs" she said after feeling bad for shouting at her mother.

After those words Kerrie just walked up the stairs to her bedroom and decided on taking a nice long bath. She didn't feel like taking a shower. Sitting in the bathtub, all her emotions came out to play , it was all too much for her.

She couldn't understand what she did wrong, she thought they were happy. Never had she thought she would find out that her boyfriend of one whole year; Zachary was cheating on her.

And the worst part was that she caught them, with her own eyes  she saw him with her.

She just didn't understand what went wrong, even after she broke up with him a week ago she still wondered.

Her heart still ached for him, her heart longed for him to hold her and tell her that nothing ever went wrong but that was not going to happen and she hated every single minute of feeling so lost. She had gotten so used to having him around that she didn't know how to cope alone.

She hadn't even told her sister yet. Kate would've drove back immediately to castrate Zachary, that thought made her form a small smile across her lips.

She did miss her sister a lot. Especially on occasions like this when Kerrie felt completely alone. Her parents were there for her but she needed someone who was more like a friend.

Kerrie looked down at her hands playing with the water. Her skin started to get prunny so she got out and stepped into her room. Finding her hello kitty pyjamas that her sister got for her when she turned sixteen , she put them on. Deciding to skip dinner, she sent her mom a quick text excusing herself.

She knew a text was a very lazy way to send a message to a person who was just downstairs but Kerrie was too physically and emotionally drained to go downstairs herself.

Getting into her covers she snuggled deep into her blankets like it was the only protection she had from the world.

Closing her eyes she slowly drifted off to sleep. Drowning herself in dreams that were going to stay only that.




What did you guys think. I'd love to know. This was like an introduction chapter that is why it is not in anyone's pov. But its still the first chapter of 'The ride' and I'm very happy about it. Even though it does seem like its Kerrie's pov....oh well. Any questions🙉plz ask





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