24 - Dream house

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When you've reached the end of your rope, tie a knot on it and hang on

-Franklin D. Roosevelt


Kerrie's pov

"Don't you dare do that again!" I exclaimed when I knew that Nathan had enough strength and I started punching, I punched him on his back, his stomach , my fists were flying everywhere and I had my eyes closed the whole time.

In my head I was thinking that I was at least inflicting some damage but no he didn't move at all. It felt like I was punching a brick wall and that had to say something, I'm not a weak girl, I used to go to the gym alot but now I've been kind of busy with life I guess.

I stopped hitting when I heard him laugh. How dare he laugh at me. "How can you be laughing, you nearly died back there, how is it you didn't think before getting into an elevator when you're claustrophobic" I screamed out.

"I'm sorry I wasn't thinking" he tried to reason with me.

"Hell yeah you weren't thinking, you nearly gave me a heart attack" I shouted back.

But I immediately calmed down when I saw the guilt in his eyes. I couldn't stay mad at him.

"I'm sorry for screaming at you, I was just really scared" I said as I hugged him. He hugged me tighter and kissed the side of my face.

"I'm sorry , can we go see my girlfriends' new place now" he said in my ear. I buried my face deeper into his chest to hide my reddened face, I was blushing so hard because he called me his girlfriend, which I was but it sounded so amazing when he said it.

We walked past multiple of doors until we reached a white door with the number 55 on it.

'This is it', I thought to myself. I wonder what it looks like, what if my room is super tiny, I can't live with a small room, oh my goodness closet space, I don't want a tiny closet. The letter did say that it was furnished so I shouldn't be worried, I'm sure my parents did a great job.

"I think your parents have probably done a great job"  I looked to the side and saw Nathan's amused face looking down at me. 

"I said that out loud, didn't I?" I asked and mentally slapped myself when he nodded . He gave out a low chuckle while I had embarrassment written all over my face. "Are you going to unlock the door or should I?" He asked while twirling the key on his finger, when did he? how did he get my key?

"I'll open it" I stated as I grabbed the key from him. I fiddled with unlocking the door but finally I heard a clicking sound and a smile spread across my face.

"Ladies first" he said.

I softly pushed the door open and walked in, I had my eyes closed for a brief moment but I quickly opened my eyes the second I felt I was in ,

Classy was my first thought, the first room I spotted was the kitchen, I quickly walked towards it, Dark brown wooden cupboards, a silver oven, stove, microwave, a marble table top ,a fridge, my very own fridge, and I had to admit it was pretty big, I'm sure your wondering why I'm so excited about a fridge, I'm a food lover.

There wasn't a wall between the kitchen and the living room so I could clearly see the large dark brown couch sitting in front of a normal sized TV. But what caught my eye was where the TV was, it was on the freaking wall. My TV is on the wall.

I could get used to this, I don't think my eyes have ever been so open, I was looking at everything with such curiosity.

Mission #1
I have to go and find my room.

I stepped out of the kitchen and walked down the hallway, I opened the first door and to my surprise it was a bedroom but it wasn't as big as I hoped it would be, I stepped in and noticed another door on the right, I walked up to it and opened it to find a bathroom, at least it has its own bathroom, but I just couldn't help but feel disappointed at how my room turned out. A simple queen sized bed with creme sheets, white walls, a bookshelf and a wardrobe. What even made me think I would get a walk in closet.

I walked out of that room with a little less pep than I had when I walked in.

I saw another door and my heart started pumping hoping it was something better behind the door. I quickly opened the door and was very dissapointed when I saw it was just an empty room.

Completely empty

I walked towards the living room and found Nathan sitting on the coach, I shouldn't be bummed out by my room, this place is still amazing. At least I have my TV . He walked up to me probably because of my mood change.

"Why do you look so down, I thought you were excited about your place, it's beautiful here" he said to me trying to make me feel better and caressing my cheek.

"I am excited but my room sucks, it totally needs a full makeover, it's so boring ,I guess I'm just a little disappointed." I said with a loud sigh.

He gave me a hug. "Did you look in there" he asked and pointed behind me. I slowly turned around, not sure exactly what he was talking about.

"Did you look" he asked again. I just stood there shocked, how did I not see that door, it was at the end of the hallway, nearly completely camouflaged by the colour of the wall.

"No I didn't" I stated as I let go of Nathan's hand which I didn't even notice I was holding. I slowly walked to the room and stood by the door. I mentally wished

'If anyone is listening, please let whatever is behind this door be awesome. I have been good, haven't I. Let whatever is behind this door be better than that stupid looking bedroom. I'm not being ungrateful, but that room is bad. Very bad'

I slowly opened the door and loud gasp escaped my lips






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