28- Breakfast date

39 7 3


-Tell all of these boys their wasting their time

-John legend


Kerrie's pov

"Wake up"

"Come on wake up"

I groaned and turned around onto my side and snuggled deeper into my blanket.

"Come on wake up"

The constant poking I felt on my cheeks was not helping, maybe if I stay really still it will go away.

"Kerrie" I heard her crying while she continued to shuv me.

"Fine fine, what is it" I groaned and got up and glared my best friend in the eye

She gave me one of those innocent looks "Well you didn't tell me what time your boyfriend is coming over and i didn't want him to find you hybernating"

"I didn't ask him what time he'll be here" I whined

"Then get up , we need to prepare him a breakfast he'll never forget" she chimed as she walked over to my door.

"You mean we as in me and you" I asked.

"Well as there is only one professional here, I'll cook, you just watch me" she walked out.

I got up and walked after her. Once we were In the kitchen Jade immediately started removing random ingredients from the cupboards and the fridge.

"What if he shows up and we're still not dressed." I motioned to my pyjamas and her outfit from yesterday.

"Well the only way to get to a man's heart is through his stomach, so I don't think he'll mind you wearing those shorts." She said as she started mixing things.

"What are you making" I peaked at all the ingredients she had on the table.

"A restaurant worthy meal, too bad your mom isn't here, damn that woman can cook." She huffed.

But to be honest Jade is the best cook I've ever met, Second to my mom ofcourse. She is a culinary genius.

"What am I suppose to do then" I huffed.

"Sit there and be a good girl for me, Okay" she said in a baby voice.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Jade was finally done and i was definitely done sitting. My butt was numb.

"So what'd you make" I asked as I smelt whatever she had prepared.

"Waffles" she smiled

"All this time and you were making waffles!!" I couldn't believe it, "i thought it was a restaurant worthy meal"

"It is, you have to taste them, they're heavenly, i put strawberries and everything" she squealed.

Knowing my best friend when she says 'and everything' she means strawberries and more strawberries.

She placed the waffles on three different plates.

Ding dong

I froze

Jade smiled at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Jade" I warned

"Coming" she said and she took off for the door.

"Jade" I whispered but she was already gone.

Oh My Goodness, Nathan's already here, and I'm still in my pyjamas, ugh I probably have bed hair.


I jumped out of my bones "Sweet Jesus you nearly gave me a heart attack" My grip on my heart loosened.

"I'm sorry Kerrie, you seemed to be floating in your own world" Jade said as the tears in her eyes started showing because she was laughing too hard.

"Where's Nathan" I asked," wasn't he at the door?"

"He's in the living room, and Why the hell didn't you tell me how hot he is, I'd take a piece of that steak with some fries," she nudged me suggestively "Man if he did you yesterday, I swear you wouldn't be able to walk"


We both turned our heads to the door and there stood an awkward looking Nathan. Please tell me he just didn't hear that.

"I just wanted to see Kerrie" he said to Jade sheepishly, and looked down . Now I knew he had heard Jade. The earth can swallow me up now. Now would be a great time.

"I'll leave you two alone" she walked towards Nathan and stopped. She looked at me and mouthed "please".

I shook my head no

She even made a pouty face,

"Fine" I gave in.

She poked his chest, and then played a beat  on it, then she left the room but before she exited she gave me a thumbs up.

"What was that about" Nathan asked while rubbing his chest

"It's just a thing she does, she was testing you, I don't know for what but she does it a lot " I explained

"I feel violated" He pouted .

"Awww poor baby" I went and gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around me. "I missed you" I blurted out. I guess I did miss him. He chuckled and kissed my cheek, "I'd miss me too, seeing as I'm so hot" he said cheekily.

I quickly got out of the hug and punched him in the chest

He groaned and looked at me with the worst pain face I've ever seen

"That didn't even hurt did it, you look like you need the bathroom." I sighed

"I'm trying to make you feel better about your girl punches"

I giggled, literally giggled.

"You're cute when you giggle" He smiled at me "And your outfit is cute too"

"Thank you?" I stuttered out. I didn't know how to respond to that because his fingers traced the lace outlining my shorts and his knuckles slightly brushed on my skin.

I think he noticed and then the atmosphere changed so fast, from playful to something not so playful anymore.

"Your friend seems very nice" he cooed in my ear.


"Ker" he whispered.


"Dance with me" he slowly pulled away and smiled down at me.

I playfully slapped his chest "Really, in the kitchen, we don't even have music."

"That never stopped anyone" He put his left hand in my right one, and his right hand sat on my hip,

He started humming to a song that I couldn't recognise but beautiful it was. He started swaying side to side and i joined in.

It was oddly peaceful, A girl in pyjamas and a boy wearing dark jeans and a white hoodie.


And that ladies and gentleman was my stomach finding the need to advertise its current state.

He lightly chuckled "You hungry?"

I just nodded, "Come'on, Jade mentioned something about breakfast"

He pulled my hand and led me to where I assume Jade is.

This is going to be interesting.




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