12-Knock knock

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A/N That's kerrie's necklace up there, the one Kate got bought for her⬆

Kerrie's pov

After that bitter sweet coversation I had my sister, we both went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Sit down, I'll make pancakes for everyone" my sister told me and i happily obligated as I loved her pancakes , they were to die for.

I watched as she took out all the ingredients she needed from the cupboards and then she walked over to the fridge and opened it, she scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion and i wondered what she was doing.

"Kate? everything alright" I asked slowly

That seemed to click her out I whatever world she was in and she looked at me "Yeah everything's alright, i swear I bought a whole carton of milk yesterday, i bough it for the pancakes"


"Ahem" i heard someone cough behind me and both kate and I looked back and saw Daniel standing there. He had an amused look on his face , he probably heard Kate talking. How humiliating.

" Morning ladies" he walked past me ruffling my hair and walked straight to Kate kissing her on the cheek.

"Hey you ruined my hair now I have to go do it again" I said with annoyance in my voice.

" Aww Kerrie I think you look much more beautiful with your hair like that" he replied. "Isn't  that right Kate?"

I looked at my sister, she didn't seem like she was paying any attention to this conversation.

" Where's my milk guys?" she said out of nowhere completely shutting down the conversation I was previously having with her boyfriend.

"Kerrie , do you know where Kate's milk disappeared off to." Daniel asked me with a 'this Is going to be fun' look.

" I think the cat drank it all" I said, i was always a bad liar, we don't even have a cat,

"We don have a cat" Kate stated looking more confused.

"Oh the neighbours cat, that sneaky little thing is always sneaking in the house and i always have to chase it out" I replied to her trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Well now what are we suppose to eat for breakfast without the milk" Daniel asked

" I'll make omletes okay, just go watch tv or something" I told Kate and Daniel scooting them out of the kitchen


After everyone ate the omletes I made I was bored once more because I had nothing else to do.

Kate and and Daniel had gone out together,;to where? I don't even know. So that left me alone.

My parents? you ask, well my dad is nearly always at work, being an accountant and all, my mom loves what she does, cooking all day, I would never become a chef, I'm not as gifted in the kitchen as my mom.  Come to think of it I'm the only one in my family who is musically gifted, no one else in my family can sing.

Hearing a knock on the door I got up and slowly walked to the door. I wasn't expecting anyone today.

Opening the door I saw an awkward looking Nathan.

Nathan" I smiled

"Hi Ker" my smile grew wider at his nickname for me.

"Oh where are my manners, come in" I said as I fully opened the door for him to get inside.

Once he stepped in I closed the door behind me.

"So how'd you find out where I live, you stalking me or what?" I asked standing In front of him with my arms crossed.

"Maybe I followed your scent all the way here" he said with a smile on his face.

"So your half dog or some sort of werewolf?" I asked with a hint of playfulness in my voice.

"I'm whatever you want me to be" he said stepping closer

He leaned in and tilted his head to the side and i didn't know what to feel at that moment, i wanted him to kiss me but I didn't at the same time, was it the timing, maybe it's too early to dive into any sort of relationship.

But i found myself closing my eyes, it seemed my body had already taken the decision for me, but I never felt his lips, just his breath fanning over my face.

I opened my eyes and was shocked to see he was just smiling down at me, "nice necklace , it's cute" his smile grew wider when he noticed I had opened my eyes, My God,  this has got to be one of those moments where I wished the ground would just swallow me.

I didn't know what to say at that moment, it was so embarrassing , why would anyone do that,  so I just walked away towards the kitchen.

He quickly walked behind me and pulled my wrist just like he did at the cafe, and then he kissed  my nose,

" Eeew you really are a dog" I said as I wiped my nose with my hand, trying to hide the blush that crept onto my face,

"Don't worry Ker, soon, very soon" he said into my ear and then walked off into another part of the house.

Soon, very soon? what was that suppose to mean. Did he mean that he was going to kiss me soon.  I started feeling all flustered and hot in a somewhat spacious kitchen.

Wait,;where did he go. I quickly dusted off the imaginary dirt off my clothes and went off to find the man of the hour.

I found him in the living room going through some of the dvds my dad had collected over the years.

"You really don't have anything to watch" he asked and looked up at me.

"Well I don't really watch that much tv," i replied trying to keep my cool because he looked totally calm.

"Then go wear your shoes because I'm taking you out for some fresh air" he stated putting the dvds down and walking over to me.

"And exactly where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"Its a suprise"


I like Nathan more and more every day, do you guys want a Nathan too . Please remember to






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