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Kerrie's Pov

"Smile for me" Zach said while holding the camera up

"Noooo put that thing away" I whined as I hid my face with my hands."Com on, sit down with me.

Zach quickly sat down onto the picnic blanket and gave me a small peck on the lips, "But you look so cute today , I need to take you a picture or I'll die" he said clutching onto his chest like he was holding onto his heart. "Stop being such a drama Queen, don't worry I'll bring nice pink roses to your funeral and give one hell of a speech, I'll even throw in a few tears just so people think I actually love you" I said just smiling at him. A mischievous smile played on his lips. "Oh really" he leaned in so he was so close to to me "I thought you said you love me and that I was the best boyfriend ever" he said and looked down at my lips and looked back to my eyes. " You must've been dreaming" I said , "Your a good boyfriend but not the best" I stated.

"I think I can change your mind" he said softly closing the gap between us and kissing me"

I quickly shot out of bed and tried to catch my breath. 'Deep breaths kerrie deep breaths', "ok just another nightmare" I thought to myself. It was the third time I got that stupid dream.

I looked on my bedside at my clock and realised it was only six in the morning. I groaned falling back onto my pillows. "Why so early?"

My stomach started grumbling. Deciding on getting up I walked into my bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth so I could go and eat something. I really regret not eating dinner last night.

Heading downstairs I noticed no one was awake yet. Stepping into the kitchen and opening the fridge I found some left overs from last night and warmed it in the microwave.

Sitting down on the couch with my food ,I switched on the tv and scrolled through the channels till I stopped at the three stooges. This will have to do.

After the movie ended I put away the dishes I was eating from and looked on the wall clock it was only past eight. I sat down in one of the chairs and looked at the clock, just stared at it while my thoughts played in my head. I was contemplating whether to call jade or not, would she be busy. She went on vacation with her parents and older brother. Deciding on calling her I ran up to my room to retrieve my phone. Diailing in her number I put the phone against my ear. Ring Ring Ring Ring and finally she picks up.

Jade: Kerrie!

Kerrie:Oh my gosh, you picked up.

Jade:I've just been so busy, my parents literally wanna do everything they see.

Kerrie: I hope your having a good time

Jade: Yea im having an awesome time.How are you ?

Kerrie: I broke up with Zach.

Jade: Your kidding right, you guys were so perfect. what happened?

Kerrie: Found out he was cheating on me for a long time.

Jade: Are you okay? :(

Kerrie:Yea I'm fine , its been a week anyway I should get over it.

Jade:I really wish I was there I wouldve given you one of my famous hugs.

Kerrie: Well then come back soon cause I'm  missing you too much .

Jade: I'll be back sooner than you think, but now I have to go , so bye we'll talk later.

Kerrie: Bye.

After that conversation I was still very bored. Studying music at college was lots of fun but School was opening in four weeks and even when it opened I still wouldn't be able go because of renovations. All of the students were going to get all their work through emails and such, or should I say music sheets. I was really surprised when my parents allowed me to take music.

Maybe I should go out. Going up to my room and taking a quick shower. I wore a pair of jeans, a pink top and a pair of flip flops. I didn't want to look like I tried to hard, at the same time I hoped I didn't run into anyone I knew.

Walking downstairs again I noticed my parents were still not awake. Quickly leaving a note on the fridge I got out of the house and started walking down the street to the nearby cafe.

Walking into the cafe ,I found an empty table. I sat down and looked at the menu and just couldn't decide what I wanted. Everything was averagely priced so I had a wide range to choose from,

A friendly looking girl walked over with an apron over her uniform and flashed a smile at me. "Have you decided what you would like to order" the girl said.

" Ummm....I have no idea what to get, do you have a special for the day or something" I asked. It looked like she was thinking really hard about it and then her face brightened up and she said "Coming right up"

While waiting for my mystery meal I opened my phone and started playing games to pass time. I wasn't even the least bit worried that I had no idea what she was going to give me, whatever it was I'm sure it will be good, this place had a reputation of mouth watering treats and I'm sure that whatever I was going to get would not dissapoint.

"Your meal mam" The voice drawing me out of my thoughts and also made me lose on the game that I was currently playing, I sighed, I was so close to the high score. I looked up and was met with a pair of enchanting emerald eyes.  Maybe I was still seeing candy crush



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