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Kerrie's pov

The university wasn't that far from my apartment. We weren't late but I wanted to be on time. But my sister begged all of us to stop by her favourite burger place because she wanted snacks to munch on while waiting for us to perform.

So that was where we were heading, she gave the directions because Nathan had no idea how to get there. After driving for a few minutes we found the burger shop, literally. The place is called "THE BURGER SHOP".

Kate ordered three burgers, two sides and a coke, Nathan only got himself a bottle of water, and Daniel and i didn't feel like anything. I don't know his reasons but I didn't want to go on that stage and hurl all my pre-dinner onto everyone sitting in the front row. My stomach was already filled with butterflies. Butterflies and burgers don't mix. Well at least I don't think they mix.

Fifteen minutes later we were on our way, the car had a delicious aroma.

"Why did you even buy three burgers anyways" I asked Kate as she was gracefully devouring her first one.

"I'm going to eat one now and you never know if someone might need the other burgers later" she stated.

"Oh you mean you never know when you will need another one" I teased.

"Dont be so rude to your sister, my burgers will save someone's life" she smiled.

"Yeah yeah" I finished.

Daniel was quietly trying to stop himself from laughing. He had his hand over his mouth and his eyes were tearing up. He ran his hand through his hair, and just like that his laughing spazm stopped but he still had a smile on his face. Did I mention how cute he looks when he smiles , like really smiling.

'Stop it' I scolded myself.

He looked out the window and was just mindlessly staring out. My eyes wandered from the tips of his hair to everywhere, i was full out checking him out. What was wrong with me. My boyfriend was in the same car and I was checking out a guy who's not him. Don't forget your morals Kerrie, keep it together girl.

He turned his head towards me and I quickly looked away like I wasn't doing anything wrong. I really hoped that he didn't notice me. I started playing with my fingers nervously. The stress of performing was getting to me. Yes that was definitely it.

There was no room for mistakes today, I'm not obsessed with my marks or anything but the assignments where I had to perform live was usually the assignments I achieved the most marks.

But I had faith in myself and Daniel.

"We're here" Nathan said as he entered through the unuversiy gates and parked the car. We all got out and walked towards the hall. The setting sun bringing in a cool breeze

I said goodbye to Nathan and my sister because I knew the way backstage and they had to go take their seats. I walked quietly backstage and Daniel trailed even more quietly behind me. I looked back just to check if he was still there.

One of the stage directors came and told us we'd perform after the first duet. I really wished Jade could be here but she had something to take care of.

"Are you ready" Daniel walked over and took my hand. I would've taken my hand away but I was too nervous

"Yeah we'll do great today" I smiled at him, maybe I was trying to convince myself.

The first duet finished their song a lot faster than I thought. My palms were getting sweatier and I was pacing up and down. I was never really afraid of singing in front of people but I always got nervous before any performance.

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