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Kerry's pov

I slowly walked down the stairs.


That's all I could see. 'why hasn't he switched on any of the lights.' I thought to myself

"Kerrie, I think the light died or something, it won't switch on" Daniel called out from somewhere in the room.

"Get the lamp, it's somewhere around here" I replied

Daniel's pov

I finally found the lamp and plugged it to one of the sockets they had randomly on the wall, there was a lot of sockets in this room.

Once we had enough light in the room, I sat down on the bench in front if the piano and Kerrie sat beside me. We both decided to sing "I HATE YOU I LOVE YOU BY GNASH FEATURING OLIVIA O'BRIAN"

"I hoped you practiced the second verse, because like I said he raps and I want you to slow it down because this song is suppose to be acoustic " Kerrie said

"Yes I practiced it" I answered proudly.

Truth is I practiced it all night, It seems as if this duet has consumed me. I go to sleep singing in my head and i wake up humming it. Well not literally but I'm sure you get what I mean.

"Let's hear it" she moved closer.

I placed my hands on the keys of the piano and started playing.

" If I pulled a you on you, you wouldn't like that shit

I put this reel out, but you wouldn't bite that shit

I type a text but then I never mind that shit

I got these feelings but you never mind that shit"

"Thats very good" she clapped her hands. "Even though there is a lot of shit in your verse" she joked and laughed

Once I understood what she meant I laughed at her word play, she pushed her hair out of her face. She had her hair down today. It looked more natural than the braids and ponytails she liked so much, but I didn't mind those either. Anything was fine.

Even though the image of her kissing Nathan was still fresh in my memory, seeing her gave me a sense of calmness.

But the way he was touching her, even if he is her boyfriend, i felt like punching him.

I have feelings for Kerrie. I've accepted that, though I was in denial for a long time. My relationship with Kate hasn't been all that it used to be. We greet each other normally, its like we've turned into best friends and not a couple. It's not like it was my master plan to fall for her sister, I still love Kate, don't get me wrong but its just not love love.

For now I'm fine with being kerrie's partner for this duet. Maybe it will pass but for now I was content.

"So do you want to play the piano when we perform" she asked with excitement laced in her tone.

I turned my body towards her and smiled "I'm not that good you know" I rleplied.

"Well you've been getting better and you seem to know the song by heart so I don't see the problem" she shrugged.

"Okay, I'll play the piano, but you owe me now" I replied cheekily.

"I owe you" she turned towards me with a smile of disbelief, it was fun playing around like this, I knew that she could play the piano on her own, she didn't need me.

"But don't worry, I'm not going to make you do something crazy," I smirked at her.

"Okay okay" she raised her hands up in surrender and landed them on her lap.

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