17-Wierd thoughts

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Daniel's pov

"Daniel!" I heard Kate calling me from downstairs.

I quickly got off my bed and got out of my room. I walked downstairs until I could see her. I leaned against the door frame "Me amor" I said in a suave  accent.

" Oh you and your languages" she said like it annoyed her but I knew she loved it.

" So what's up?" I asked and walked over to her and snaked my arms around her waist.

"Ow" she quickly pushed me off and glared at me.

I totally forgot that she was still sore from today. Kate decided that it would be a great idea to go to the skate park and get her 'skate on'. I didn't mind going, I actually enjoy skating, especially when I was younger and I'd go with my sister, We were the king and queen of Shredd, that was the name of the skate park. One thing I didn't know was that Kate was absolutely horrible at skating, she fell so many times it became cute.. I even wondered why she chose to go there instead of a nice restaurant or something, all she told me was that she heard that the skate park was off the "hizzaw", her words not mine.

"Aww honey I'm so sorry but it was your idea to go to the skate park"

"Well who knew it was so hard" she said while rubbing her stomach.

"So has Kerrie came back yet" I asked her. I was really worried about Kerrie when we came back and she wasn't home and the fact that she wasn't picking up her phone didn't settle well with me.

"Yeah I was just about to tell you, Nathaniel brought her back"


" Who's Nathaniel"I quickly asked

"That would be me" a deep voice travelled throughout the house and I turned back and saw a guy standing on top of the stairs, he looked round about my age, wearing black jeans and a sleeveless white t-shirt, This Nathaniel walked down and stood in front of me.

I was still taller even though it probably was a centimetre because I was looking into his eyes.

"And you are" he dared to ask me.

"This is my boyfriend Daniel and this is Kerrie's friend Nathaniel" Kate introduced us to eachother while quickly stepping in between us.

" What were you doing in her room" I asked remembering that he came from upstairs, the thought of Kerrie with some guy in her room did not make me think of happy thoughts. Kate told me about Zach and even if I never met him I didn't like him at all. I know you shouldn't judge people so quickly but he broke kerrie's heart and i wasn't going to let that slide. And this guy standing in front of me was no exception, i was very protective of family, even though Kate and Kerrie weren't my real family, i cared about them a lot. 

"I was just putting her down, she fell asleep" he stated and there was something in the way he looked at me, like he wanted to say something but he chose not to.

"Well it was nice meeting you Daniel" he held out his hand. I shaked his hand.

He walked over to Kerrie and gave her kiss on the cheek and said goodbye before he walked himself out.

"I don't like him" I stated

Kate gasped "how could you not like him, he's such a sweetheart, he's not too bad on the eyes too" Kate cheered.

"Your my girlfriend, you shouldn't look at nor call anyone easy on the eyes" I said shocked.
She just called him hot in front of me.Man that goes straight to your pride.

"Babe don't get your panties in a twist , it was just a compliment" she said and then gave me a peck on the lips.

"I'm going to bed okay, goodnight sweetcheeks " she added as she walked up the stairs.

I need a drink

of water

I walked to the kitchen and took out a glass and poured a water in it. Drinking down the whole glass I felt refreshed but still tired.

I walked up to Kerrie's room just to make sure she's ok. I opened the door slowly and stepped in, it was a little dark but I could still see her.

I bent a little lower so I could be eye level with her. She looked so beautiful sleeping. She had the same eyes as her sister, and a few other features but she looked so innocent. She looked so young, like a beautiful flower. I brushed a strand of her hair and i put it behind her ear. She kind of made me think of my little sister. I kissed her cheek , then her forehead, then I looked at her lips, they looked so soft , i could just...NO

I quickly got up and left her room running my hands through my hair, No No No she's my girlfriend's sister, she's just like my little sister. 'You don't wanna kiss your sister' a little voice in my head said. Shut up shut up, i placed my hands over my ears like that would stop the voice in my head from babbling.

Maybe I'm just really tired. Yep that's it. All I need is a good night sleep and everything will go back to how it was. No wierd thoughts, just normal Daniel.




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