5-Sleeping beauty

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After putting my hair up in a bun and putting on my slippers I went downstairs.


Walking towards the kitchen I was greeted by a delicious smell. It didn't smell like my mom's everyday cooking, it smelt like that aroma I always smelt when I'd pass restaurants on my way to the store.
Stepping into the kitchen I swear I nearly fainted. Chicken, beef , lasagne , salads, desserts, fruit, i didn't even know what most of it was but it looked so mouthwatering good. So much food.

I saw my mom laying the plates on the table. "Mom who cooked all this food, there's so much, who's going to eat all of it,  are we having people over,?" I kept on asking with a confused look on my face.

"I cooked it all , with the help of this new cooking book I bought yesterday, and we're not having anyone over , all of this food is is for you, me and your father."My mom explained to me.

"Why did you cook this today" I asked.

"Well you know that Kate is coming back with her boyfriend tomorrow and I really want to impress him so you and your father are going to taste all of the food tonight and tell me what you think" she explained some more.

I slowly sat down onto one of the chairs surrounding our dining room table, my dad walked in and took his seat, my mom joined us after setting the table. After my mom said a prayer we started eating.

After each bite was a different flavour, I was in food heaven. "Oh my, this is amazing" I tried to say with a mouth full of food.
My mom chuckled "honey you'll tell me how amazing the food is after you're done eating"

After eating and eating some more I got the wonderful news that I was going toa clean up and wash the dishes while my parents go off to sleep. How unfair, I didn't tell my mom to cook so much and leave such a big mess in the kitchen, even though I don't regret eating all of that food. If it only took my sister to get a good boyfriend for my mom to cook all of that delicious food then maybe I should've gotten a good boyfriend long ago....but I can proudly say I'm happily single, I don't need nor want a boyfriend right now, there's no one who has caught my eye yet.

After cleaning everything up I was really tired. I went back to my room and prepared to go to sleep. Snuggling in between my covers I closed my eyes.

Suddenly perfect by one direction filled my ears and I groaned , who on earth would call at this hour. Grabbing my phone I declined the call and went back to sleep.

Seconds later I heard Harry's voice again. Doesnt this person have a life, who calls people in the middle of the night. Picking up the phone without looking who it was I let out a frustrated sigh. "hello"

"I thought you'd be happy to hear from me" a small smile kept onto my face as I realised who it was.

"Nathan did you see what time it is, are you nocturnal or what" I said with a very tired voice.

" Yes I know its late but I couldn't sleep ,you see there's this girl I met at the cafe this morning, I served her a red velvet cake. She is so intriguing, but now I can't stop thinking about her" he said and it was pretty obvious that he was smiling through the phone.

"Oh really,"

"Yea really, but I was wondering since your a girl and all , do you think she thinks about me too?" he asked curiously.

"Maybe , you never know what goes on in the mind of a girl" I truthfully said.

He chuckled "True that Kerrie, true that"

That was the first time he said my name, and it kinda made me feel all giddy inside. Pushing that feeling aside I said very softly through the phone "Nathan I'm really tired, I'll see you tomorrow."

I really didn't want to stop talking to him but my sleep deprived body was saying otherwise.

"I can't wait my sleeping beauty " he replied and then the line went dead.

I then put my phone on the table beside my bed and went to sleep.



Isn't Nathan just adorable, i think that Kerrie is starting to move on from that jerk zach-(doesnt deserve a capital letter)  This chapter is a little short but its okay, i hope its okay...




-Monalisi  :^)

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