26 -Wake up!

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If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?

-Steve jobs


Kerrie's pov

I slowly stirred in my sleep and slowly pried my eyes open. It was dark but my curtains were still open so I could see everything. And yes I have curtains too. I tried moving but something heavy was on my waist. I slowly looked down and saw Nathan sleeping right under me. He looked so cute sleeping, he doesn't even snore, all I could hear were his slow breaths. I just looked at him and smiled 'I wonder what he dreams about' I thought to myself.

I slowly shook him trying to wake him up,"Nathan" i called out , "Nathan" i called out again.' Man he is a deep sleeper'. I started poking his face and finally looked like he was waking up. "Ker" he whined and I giggled.

"We fell asleep" I said to him

"Uh huh" he mumbled, agreeing with me.

"Wake up" I cried .

"Just ten more minutes" he asked while he still had his eyes closed. His grip around my waist tightened.

I started tickling his sides with my hands, he started to whine like a little baby " Ker stop that" he said but he didn't try to remove my hands "please stop, its starting to get annoying"  He said.

I stopped when realization hit me "Your not ticklish are you?" I asked defeated.

"Not even a little, feels like your scratching me" he smirked.

"Then just wake up" I breathed out.

"Okay fine, I'm awake" he chuckled and opened his eyes. He took in the darkness of the room.

"I should probably take you home now, it looks late" Nathan said as he was rubbing little circles on my arm while I was lying on top of him.

"I wonder what time it is" I yawned; I wasn't tired, not even a little, my pulse was doing somersaults because I was lying on him. It felt nice, natural even.

"Yeah, but the sun is gone, I should take you home" he sighed.

"But I want to stay here with you" I replied cheekily.

"As tempting as that sounds, and I mean really tempting, I feel like your sister will kill me if I bring you back home tomorrow" he replied.

"Okay fine we can go" I said. I sat up right on the bed and looked at him. "Well are you just going to lie there, you said we're leaving" I stated as I watched Nathan lying rather comfortably on my bed.

"I'm lazy, help me up please" he pouted and held his arm out.

"Your the one who wanted to go in the first place, why are you lazy now" I whined but I still reached out to him to try and pull him up. I yanked one of his arms with both my hands and he didn't even move that much. I stood on the side of the bed and pulled him, he was actually moving, I felt like congratulating myself for pulling him until I want paying attention and pulled to hard, he ended up landing on the floor on his butt. He groaned in pain, I quickly let go of his hand and lowered myself to him " are you okay" I asked , I was hoping that I didn't hurt him that bad, "Yea , I think my laziness went away" he groaned.

He still made this situation light and not heavy, he didn't want me to feel bad. "Do you want ice on that" I asked him with worry.
"Do I want ice on my butt" he repeated confused. 

"Okay, never mind." I stated, I didn't even realize the nonsense I just said,

"OK let's go" he breathed out and got up. He intertwined our fingers and walked out with me. I looked back at my apartment, I'm really going to miss it, but I'll be back, I thought to myself.

I nearly asked Nathan where we were going because the elevator was the other way, I shut my mouth when I noticed a sign that said "Stairs" in bold letters.

We walked down 5 flights of  stairs, and by the time we made it to the ground floor, my legs were burning and so were my lungs, but Nathan looked unaffected, was this guy fit or unfit because I was confused at this point.

I was actually going to talk to Louis about the elevator but when we reached reception but he wasn't there.


We walked out hand in hand and it was a full moon tonight. The street lights were all on and I really wondered what time it was, I pulled my phone out and it was just a black screen, just what I needed. My phone had somehow died, but I didn't really feel like asking Nathan because he was taking me home anyways.

We got into his car and he started driving.


Nathan dropped me off but not before giving me a slow lingering kiss, I walked to the door like a drunk woman, totally drunk off affection. I was even giggling by myself, I bet I did look drunk but that was very far from the state I was in , my senses felt more enlightened.

I opened the door and walked in. I closed the door and i instantly stopped at an angry looking Kate.  

"Hey Kate" I greeted, still intimidated by the glare she was giving. She looked adorable in her pyjamas and bunny slippers, but still terrifying.

"Do you even know what time it is" she calmly said.

"Ummm no not really" I should've asked Nathan.

"It's 2 in the morning, as in 2 a.m" she screamed/whispered.

"Oh shit" I breathed out and leaned against the door for support.

"Oh shit indeed" she crossed her arms.

"I didn't realize it was so late, i didn't mean to, i promise he dropped me off right after we woke up, I didn't think that we-" I stopped when my sister raised an eyebrow at me.

"You slept together?" she screamed.

*** Thank you all for all the reads, you make my day :)


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