39-Moving on

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Kerrie's pov

"So you're telling me that you cheated on Nathan with Daniel, your sister is okay with your new relationship, you broke up with Nathan who is also moving to Amsterdam, and you also ran into Zach" she breathed out.

"Am I missing something?" She turned her head towards me. I groaned looking away from her and twisting my blankets so they would cover my head.

"I just don't understand, there has to be a reason why Kate was so okay about all of this, I would've at least kicked one of you, maybe she has a double life" Jade talked to the back of my head.

"I wouldn't know, she lives by herself at the university so I don't know much." I shrugged.

"But what if-" she started

"Jade, please, I told you everything" I whined, the tear stains on my pillow making the side of my face feel cold.

"Honey you can't stay in here for the rest of the day, you still have a boyfriend and that reminds me, he wanted to see you a while back but I told him that you were grieving over your ex" I could literally hear the smile in her voice.

"You did what?" I exclaimed pushing the blankets over my head and glaring at her.

"In my defence, I was just poorly informed, I didn't know he was your boyfriend, and when you called me over I thought you were just sad over the break up with Nathan." She said apologetically.

"He came over?" I asked , thinking back to when he could've gotten here.

"Yeah a few minutes ago when I arrived, he was at the door" her hands played with the red sheet that was currently on my bed.

I should really give someone other than Jade the key to my  apartment, I might just be dying in here and no one would have the keys to get in and help me ,I shook my head getting rid of all the useless thoughts.

"It's fine, I'll call him later, he probably wanted to know how it all went, and how I got back to my apartment." I thought out loud.

"I still can't believe Zach drove you here" Jade said as she shook her head.

"I don't understand it either, I hadn't seen him in such a long time and it just had to be today" I exclaimed. I didn't feel like going home since Daniel and kate would've been there and I was not in any condition to talk to either of them and even worse, talk to my parents. You can say I was very surprised when Zach offered to take me to my apartment instead of my own home. I didn't really mind that he would know where I lived, I just wanted to be alone in my own space to think, well as alone as I can be with Jade.

"What do you think he wants" Jade asked curiously like I would know the answer. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Who knows, whatever it is, I hope it has nothing to do with how things ended between us" I spoke honestly, my relationship with Zach was something I wanted to leave in the past, I didn't want it to be dug up, I had moved on from that place, I loved Zach too much, depended on him too much, I considered him the perfect guy, a perfect mixture of the looks, charm and brains. He was my dream guy, the prince I used to read about in all my childhood stories, but I promised myself that I would never fall so hopelessly in love with someone who didn't really care that much, when he cheated, it felt like someone was choking me, I couldn't breath.

Now at this moment I wished that Nathan hadn't fallen in love with me.

I wish that he will be able breath.

"Maybe he wants to get back with you" she watched me.

"I could care less about that, I hope he already knows that there will never be anything between us again" I said seriously.

"But isn't he cute" she pushed.

"I honestly have no idea who's side you're on, you liked Nathan, then Daniel, now you're asking me if I think my ex is cute" I asked her in a joking tone.

"I'm sorry, you know I'm not very proud of you cheating, kerrie, you cried so much after Zach cheated" she reminded me.

"I know, I just don't know, I didn't really do things right but it happened and I can't change the past, I don't think Nathan will ever forgive me" I shook my head, my tears threatening to fall again,

"I'm not here to judge you, like our best friend act that we created when we were still little gummy bears, my formal duty is to make sure my partner in crime's heart is stable and or 100 percent happy, so you may get up because I am going to cheer you up!" she cheered pulling me out of my bed, I groaned not really in the mood to be standing on my feet.

She pulled me into the kitchen, leaving me on the couch in the living room.

She opened my fridge and started rummaging through it, I watched with a smile on my face as she took different kinds of food out. The bell rang and I looked at Jade with wide eyes,

"Well go check who it is, I'm kind of busy" Jade said as she was trying to balance three pots, why, I don't even know. I huffed getting up and patted my hair down hoping to make it look presentable in the little time I had to walk to the front door. I opened the door not expecting the green eyes that met mine.

"Nathan" my breath caught in my throat as I took in his condition, he wasn't the happy Nathan I once knew, and I knew it was my fault.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, " he stated not breaking eye contact.

"To Amsterdam" I breathed out, the words sinking in.

"Isn't that a bit early" I asked, the hard expression on his face making me feel uncomfortable.

"Well I don't have anything to stay for" he said then forced a laugh "I actually don't even know what I'm doing here, how pathetic is it that I still think you deserve to know?" He shook his head and shoved his hands into his jean pockets.

"Who's at the door" Jade's voice interrupted, her steps faltered

"ohh" her voice died down once she saw who it was.

Nathan walked in and gave Jade a hug, she awkwardly accepted it and gave me an apologetic look.

"I'll miss you Jade" he spoke as he walked out, he stopped and looked at me,"Good luck with your life Kerrie, I hope you find what you're looking for" he finally left. I watched him walk away, my heart squeazing at the fact that he was really gone, he was gone from my life.

And now he was going to be officially gone from this town.



Nathan's gone😭

We'll all miss him, at least I will.

Is this the last of him or will our green eyed beauty come back?


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