38 -Opportunities and disappointments

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Kerrie's pov

I pushed open the door to a not so busy cafe, I spotted a few customers but it was mostly empty tables which for some reason gave me a sense of comfort.

I scanned the place looking for one guy, the moment my eyes met his I remembered all of the happy times I had spent with him, what exactly had I felt for him if it was not love? Why did I feel guilty about Daniel but not regret it.

"Hey babe" he kissed my cheek and took my hand, he led me to an empty table and sat me down.

"How are you" he asked in a cheery tone, he was happy, that I could tell, his green eyes were shimmering with a sort of excitement that I was honestly scared and a bit curious to find out about.

"I'm good, how are you" I asked back, my voice coming out sincere. He held both of my hands over the table.

"I'm honestly the happiest I've been in my entire life, I have the girl that I love with me, my life's getting back on track and there's one more thing I haven't told you, I applied at a bunch of schools and I didn't want to say anything to you because I felt like if I didn't get in , I would've disappointed you, okay well that isn't the whole story. I got accepted to one of them on a full bursary! this is exactly what I've been waiting for, if I accept it then I can keep all of my savings and use it for something better"

I stared at him in shock, he got into a school with a full bursary, this is exactly what he needed, to continue his education and do what he loves.

"You said if you accept, why wouldn't you accept the offer, it's amazing" I asked not really understanding why he'd have to think it over.

"The school, it's in Amsterdam"

My mouth opened, but nothing came out.

"I know it's far, that's why I'm not so excited to leave you, I can't just up and go and leave my life, you are my life Kerrie"

I watched him with tears in my eyes, why did he have to make this so hard. His face turned into concern as he scanned my face, his hand slowly wiped my right cheek, I hadn't even noticed that I was crying.

"I haven't made my decision yet, my parents think it's a good opportunity to finally study , we could still video chat, I'll still text you, I'm not going to be gone forever."

By now my tears were falling down my face uncontrollably even after I tried so hard to keep them in, he wanted to go but he also wanted to stay because of me, he believed in a future that has just us two, he was going to come back for me, he loved me and all I did was spit it back in his face, but I wasn't strong enough to rip the happiness from his heart, I had already did it anyways, he just didn't know it.

"When are you leaving" I asked not entirely sure why that was my exact question after all he told me.

"I'm suppose to leave in two days but I can also leave in a month, they wanted me there as soon as possible but I explained the situation and they gave me a bit more time here" he smiled at me.

I stared at his face, the same face that swept me off my feet, the one that saved me, the same smile that stole my breath away, the same warm personality that gave me tingles just by being next to him. He was still Nathan, I was the one who had changed.

"I can't do this to you anymore" I whispered

"What are you doing" he asked, his face morphing into confusion.

"We can't be together anymore , I'm not who you think I am, I don't deserve you" I spoke shaking my head while gradually getting up from the chair and walking out of the cafe.

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