20- Apart-ment

42 8 1


- I'm jealous of the way you're happy without me.



"Nathan" I breathed out, and closed the door behind me.

"Did I scare you, you kind of look jumpy, everything okay" he asked with suspicion in his voice but it was mostly worry

"Yeah I'm fine, what are you doing here" I asked

"I wanted to check up on you , you were really tired yesterday" was his reply

" Yea I'm fine" I said

He handed me a bunch of mail "This was outside so I thought I should bring it in."

I looked through the mail that was currently in my hands until I found one with my name on it. From Marlo apartments. That's odd. I quickly tore open the piece of paper and was shocked to what I saw.

Your apartment has been furnished and is ready for you. Thankyou Miss Boulevard for working with us. I hope you enjoy.

What the heck!! What apartment?

"Is something wrong" Nathan stepped closer when he saw the confusion on my face. I couldn't understand any of it. " Yeah its just that this paper says that I have an apartment and i don't" I explained.

"Maybe you should ask your sister" he suggested.

"Yeah" I mumbled, maybe I should.

"Kerrie" I called out as I walked past Nathan to find my sister.

"Hey I'm right here, what is it, you done singing with Daniel" she asked me and i started feeling anxious again.

"You were singing with Daniel" Nathan asked and I looked back and couldn't decide if it was anger or hurt I saw in his eyes.

" Yeah they sound really good together" Kate said and I glared at her, She wasn't making things better. She stopped smiling when she saw my deadly glare.

"Singing is not important right now," I sighed rubbing my forehead " Kate do you know anything about this apartment" I asked and handed her the paper.

She looked at it, first her face resembles confusion then she was excited then back to confusion. "You didn't tell me you had an apartment"

"I don't have one" I practically yelled because this was frustrating me.

"Okay okay, just call mom or dad" she said , She was right. I'll call mom or dad and ask them if they know anything about this.

I quickly picked up the landline and dialled my mom's number. Ring Ring Ring

"Hello" my mom answered

"Mom its kerrie"

"Honey I'm so sorry we didn't tell you we were leaving but I know with Kate there your in safe hands." she said sweetly

"Its fine but I wanted to ask you something"

"What is it sweety" she replied

"I got a letter saying my apartment was furnished and I'd like to know if you know anything about it" I blurted out.

"Well it was suppose to be a surprise, but me and your father bought you an apartment, your 19 and Kate already has one so why not you, the keys are in your yellow vase in your room." she explained.

I couldn't believe this, Me , Kerrie Boulevard has an apartment. My own place to live.

"I have an apartment" I started screaming over and over through the phone and started jumping up and down with my sister. I heard my mom laugh through the phone and finally say "Enjoy honey" before the line went dead. I put the phone down and looked at my sister before screaming again and she joined in as we had a duet of girly screams.

"Woah what's with the screaming, did you get concert tickets or what" Daniel walked in and even though we had a very awkward moment earlier that was at the back of my mind because I was too excited.

"I have an apartment" I sang loudly.

I looked back at Nathan and he was smiling at me like I was the most amusing thing in the world.

I quickly ran to him and jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist and buried my face in the crook of his neck. He spun me around with his arms wrapped tightly around me. I giggled.

"Okay enough with the PDA , tell us where your apartment is" Daniel interrupted.

Come to think of it I had no idea where it was. I only had the key, the key.

I jumped off of Nathan and ran up to my room. Finding the yellow vase I shaked it upside down until all of the contents fell out and a key with a yellow ribbon tied to it fell to the floor. This has got to be it. I picked up the little key and looked carefully at the yellow ribbon and noticed an address was written on it, I silently thanked my parents for including the address somewhere or I would have been depressed just sitting with the key in my hand and no idea how to find my apartment.

Stepping downstairs I found everyone still in the kitchen. They all noticed me and waited for me to probably tell them why I ran away.

I lifted the key with one hand and dangled it in front of them , they all grew wide smiles as they knew what I had in my hand.

"I have an apartment to see" I stated as I walked over to Nathan and whispered in his ear "Will you take me" I asked

He smiled down at me and nodded "Ofcorse".

"Hey I want to see the apartment" I heard Daniel whine

Kerrie quickly hit him over the head with her hand and whispered to him "Let them go have fun" and she winked at me.
And like the helpless romantic I am, I blushed when Nathan kissed the top of my hand, held my hand and led us outside to his car.


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