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Kerrie's pov

I heard noises in the background and slowly started stirring in my sleep,realising that sleep was floating away, I opened my eyes, ugh I'm still so tired,

" Aww you've always looked so cute sleeping" I heard a very faint voice say.

Who could that be , that voice was so familiar that I'd think that someone was pulling a joke on me, I slowly turned over and was met with eyes I could recognise from anywhere

"Kate!" I screamed with happiness and quickly got out of bed and jumped on her crushing her with a big hug.

"Aww lil sis, you've grown so much,look at your hair ,its like I've been gone forever, I missed you so much , I see you haven't thrown away these pyjamas" she pulled on my shorts and giggled "they're too small now, they look like booty shorts"

"You know , I'll never throw them away, you're back early, you told me you'd be back in the afternoon, not so early in the morning." I said. I was still so shocked and in awe with my sister coming back so soon. She's been so busy at college that she doesn't come back home that much.

" I wanted to surprise you, I just missed you so much cause school has been so busy and I dont get that much time to come back home, you know once-" my sister was cut off by my mom,oh I didn't even notice she walked in.

"I hate to be break this up but you'll catch up later, we can't leave our guest downstairs alone" my said said and winked at Kate.

"Oh gosh, mom stop it, come on Kerrie , you have to meet my boyfriend"

Oh her boyfriend. " Um. okay let's go" Kate grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my room excitedly. Walking downstairs i could only see his back as he was sitting on the couch looking at the tv. My heart started beating hard against my chest, what if he didn't like me , what If he was wierd , what if he was rude. Many thoughts rushed through my head at what his personality could possibly be.

Kate let go of my hand and quietly went behind him and covered his eyes with her hands "Guess who?" she playfully asked him. "Is it my beautiful girlfriend" he asked.

They looked so cute together, they looked like one of those couples I always see on tv that always go like 'honey do you want bacon with your breakfast' or 'Your too cute' or 'i can't believe you bought me a new car'.

She let her hands drop and then he turned his neck to look at her and the she gave him a small peck on the lips. I still couldn't see his face.

" Oh Daniel this is my wonderful little sister Kerrie" she said as she moved to the side so I could see him properly and he got up and looked at me and then a smile formed on his lips, he then walked towards me and extended his hand for me to shake " Hi I'm Danny"

I think this was one of those moments where I was totally speechless . His hair was brown but had touches of a darker brown that nearly looked like black. He was obviously way taller than me, with his lean body you could tell he lifted a few weights here and there. His eyes were just a breathtaking shade of brown, and his smile , I should probably stop checking him out. I looked at my sister and saw her looking at me and she had a smile on her face that totally said 'I know right'.

I extended my hand and he shaked it . "Hi" I replied. He let go of my hand and asked "I've heard a lot about you , how are you"

" I hope you heard nothing bad,  I'm very well and yourself" while saying this he eyed me from head to toe, which kinda made me regret not changing. Suddenly feeling self conscious I did look like I was wearing booty shorts.
He smirked at me and said "I'm just grand, hello kitty huh, your sister mentioned she got you those for your birthday"

"Yea..3 years ago." I chuckled awkwardly

"Dont look so embarrassed , I think you look hot in your kitty pyjamas" my sister said as she walked over and pinched my cheek.

My sister started laughing "Your too cute" , I could tell Daniel wanted to laugh too but he was holding it in and his face was turning pink , then I started laughing. I don't know why but it seemed natural to do so in that moment as Kate was laughing and Daniely was 'trying' not to laugh.

My mom walked in the room."Well its nice that you kids have already gotten used to each other, but stop fooling around because your breakfast is gonna get cold"



Daniel seems like a darling doesn't he. There is a lot of talk about her kitty pyjamas but just saying I have tinkerbell pjs that I will not get rid off. So people





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