16- Goodnight

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The best way to remove negativity is to laugh and be joyous

-David Icke


Nathan's pov

When I finally pulled up at Kerry's house it was around eight at night and it felt as if the temperature had dropped. I didn't regret giving my jacket to Kerrie. She was cold, I'm sure anyone would've done the same.

That still didn't mean I wasn't freezing, goosebumps were running all the way down my arms. I quickly rubbed my hands down my arms creating friction to try and warm myself up.

I glanced to my side and saw kerrie peacefully sleeping in my jacket. She looked so comfortable hugging my jacket so close to her. How I wish she would hold onto me like that. I brushed a strand of her hair that had fallen across her face and admired her. I want to protect her, to love her, i want to call her mine. Today had gone just like I wanted it to, heck it was perfect.

I really didn't want to wake her up because she probably was tired and she looked so peaceful sleeping.

How could someone even think of cheating on her, just thinking about that Zach made my blood boil. I've never seen him in my life and probably will never want to but he already disgusts me.

Getting out of the car I walked over to her door and opened it. I leaned into the car and slowly shook her shoulders. She stirred for a while but quickly went back to sleep. I smiled at that

"kerrie" I softly whispered her name.

"mm" she mumbled back to me but she still had her eyes closed.

"Kerrie your home , you need to go inside" I whispered back to her

"u'huh be right there" she mumbled again with her eyes closed.

"are you even listening to me" I asked her still whispering.

"Yea don't worry" she whispered.

Well it was clear that she wasn't even listening to a word I was saying which brought me to my next idea.

"Kerrie will you be my girlfriend?" I whispered really low and i wondered if she heard  me.

"Ofcorse" she said and it was back to silence with my heart beating twice as fast. Did she really say yes or is she still dreaming. I swear when this girl is tired it's  like she's drunk but a part of me silently hoped she answered that question consiously with all her screws in tact.

After realising that she was not going to wake up soon I undid her seatbelt and picked her out of the car and carried her bridal style all the way to the front door . She made a giggling sound and snuggled closer into my chest and just like that she was back to dream land. I then realised that I couldnt press the doorbell while I was carrying her in my arms. Thinking of a solution can't be that hard. Fortunately Kerrie wasn't that heavy so I wasn't about to drop her or anything bad like that. I finally got a plan that may or may not work.

I quickly turned around and started hitting my back against the wall trying to find the stupid doorbell. I believed if someone were to see me, then they'd probably take pictures. You don't see it everyday where a grown young man like myself is carrying a dead looking girl and humping the wall with his back. My shoulder blade finally hit the button and a ding dong sound flew throught the whole house.

A girl opened the door, she had similar features to Kerrie, the same brown eyes and Brown hair but her hair was a bit lighter. This must be kerrie's sister, Kate.

"Hello ," i greeted her and felt a little awkward standing there will a fast asleep Kerrie in my hands.

"Hi " she replied and quickly noticed Kerrie "please come in" she stepped aside and i walked inside.

"So your Nathaniel" she said more to herself than to me.

"Kerrie talks about me" I asked, i didn't think Kerrie talked about me.

"You have been mentioned" she paused for a few seconds like she was thinking about something, "what did you do to my sister , she looks like she passed out or something" she asked me walking closer to me and examining her sister.

"She fell asleep, and I can tell she's a pretty deep sleeper" I stated looking at her with a small smile on my face.

"Yep she's a doozy" her sister smiled lovingly at Kerrie. You can tell she loves her a lot.

"I'll take her to her room" I told Kate and started walking towards the stairs.

"You know where her room is" Kate asked me with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms.

"Yea" after realising how bad that sounded I quickly added on "I saw her going up to a room this morning to change so I assume its her room, up the stairs second one the right" I quickly elaborated.

"Bingo, now go put her to bed , I'm going to have so much fun telling her about this tomorrow" then she walked to the living room.

I sighed and I didn't even realise that I was so tired but my arms weren't. Kerrie wasn't heavy at all. I actually felt good having her in my arms. All I could hear was her light snoring.

Finding her door I quickly kicked the door lightly. Stepping into her room I was hit by her perfume. The light was off so all I could see was her bed because of the rays of moonlight coming in from the window. I slowly walked to her bed and I tried to place her in it. And yes I said tried because she kept a very firm grip on my shirt. She literally didn't let me go. But she finally fell onto the bed.

Well that was exhausting. I sat down on one of the chairs that were in her room.

She looked so at peace and beautiful. I got up and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight beautiful"




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