21- A phase?

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This chapter is dedicated to Sammynaidooz Happy birthday!!

I'm writing Daniels pov for this chapter because after he and Kerrie sang in the basement. She just left him there, I just needed you guys to read what happened when he was left in the basement alone.


Daniel's pov

Damn it

I did it again

Exactly when my girlfriend leaves I decide to go all cozy with Kerrie.

I don't know what it is about her that grabs my full attention. Sometimes when she's talking about absolute nonsense I can't help but look at her lips. No

No No No

I'm messed up , I'm a messed up man. This is just as bad as dating both mother and daughter. Kerrie is my girlfriend's sister. My girlfriend. My Gosh Kate. I care for her, I love her.

I love Kate.

but since yesterday my thoughts have been going crazy. I nearly kissed her In her sleep.

Shit, Im going to hell for this.

It's not like I've acted on this sudden curiousity towards Kerrie, at the end of the day she is a girl. Now I sound like douchebag.

Kerrie is so similar to Kate, I don't know who is more crazier, Maybe I'm the only crazy one here. I saw the look on her face when she uprubtly got off the stool and walked up the stairs like her ass was on fire. Her telling me that she 'needed water'. I knew that was just an excuse to get away from me. I probably weirded her out with my weirdness.

I'm sure that this is just a phase, a test bestowed upon to me to prove my love Kate.

I actually went after her after she went up the stairs but as soon as I reached the door she closed it in my face, I don't even think she noticed that I was directly behind her.I kind of was grateful that she closed the door because I didn't even know what I would say to her if I had caught up with her. After the door conveniently closed in my face. I heard her say that dreaded name. "Nathan" I heard her loud and clear.

That piss bucket is here! I stomped down the stairs in frustration and sat on the stool in front of the piano. I hope I didn't make it that obvious that I didn't like him but even if it was obvious I wouldn't mind. Him and his perfect hair and perfect teeth. He was perfect for her and that wasn't reacting well with me. I sound like a jealous ex. I wasn't her ex nor boyfriend. Kate is my girlfriend. It's just that.., .ugh he just pushes my buttons without even knowing. I mean what a great first impression I had from him , he was from her room. What did they do together that she was so tired ,so tired that she woke up so late today. I'm starting to sound like my mom.

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. That moment I shared with kerrie was perfect. Our voices just melted together and it felt really good to sing again. I knew I could sing, and it was very stupid for Kerrie to underestimate me. The look of pure bewilderment on her face was priceless when I joined in her song. That song was perfect. Everything she does is perfect

Stop it

Stop it

I should probably get out of here, even though the basement doesn't look like a basement , it was more of a extra room but still I was alone and I was slowly starting to get creeped out by the silence. I got up and walked up the stairs and opened the door, I couldn't see anyone but I heard voices coming from the kitchen. So I walked towards the voices which got louder and louder as walked closer.

I heard something about an apartment and then a series of ear piercing screams, Yep that's Kate and Kerrie alright.

"Woah what's with the screaming, did you get concert tickets or what" I asked stepping into the room and there was Kerrie smiling like she had just won the lottery and by her side was a equally happy Kate. Nathan was standing few steps behind them with a huge smile on his face.

"I have an apartment" Kerrie sang loudly and turned around and smiled at Nathan.

She has an apartment, well that's good but it kind of stings that she didnt look me in the eye it was like she wasn't even answering to me, she smiled at Nathan instead.

He was smiling back at her and she ran to him wrapping her legs around him and he wrapped his arms around her.He spun her around like a damn carousel. She giggled and i swear its the most adorable thing I've ever heard escape her lips.

"Okay enough with the PDA , tell us where your apartment is" I rudely interrupted but I couldn't stand to which this unravel before my eyes. Not that they're closeness bothers me or anything. I just want to know more about her apartment.

That seemed to get her thinking. She looked like she realised something and quickly got off Nathan and ran to I assume her room.

Then the room fell into a very awkward silence. I looked at Nathan and he was looking at me with an unrecognizable look, I think he doesn't like me either. He had a hard look on his face then he left my gaze and started looking around the kitchen. Not long afterwards Kerrie came down the stairs waving a key in the air. I'm guessing thats the key to her apartment .

"I have an apartment to see" she stated as she walked past me and Kate and whispered something into Nathan's ear. Even though she whispered I still heard her " Will you take me".

He happily obliged.

"Hey I want to see the apartment" I whined even suprisng myself, I never whine or beg to go somewhere I was clearly not invited to. But I wanted to go

"Let them go have fun" Kate said as she hit me over the head. I saw a glimpse of amusement on Nathan's face, I felt like punching that smile off his face.

I saw Kerrie blush and hold onto Nathan's hand as they walked out together.

I really wanted to go.


Daniel got some things to sort out heh. Wonder what's up with him???

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