36- Real Talk part 1

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Kerrie's pov

I paced up and down as I bit my lip, Daniel was watching me not saying a word. It seemed I was always nervous when it came to him.

"It will be okay" he tried to make me feel better but I doubt he believes that himself.

"Will it?" I stressed out " What if we rushed into this , maybe we were a little too fast, this is crazy" I mumbled to myself.

"We talked about this, what I feel for you is real and I hope what you feel for me is real, I want to be with you" he grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eye, I slowly breathed out.

"It is real" I reassured "but I don't want to hurt anyone , I didn't ask for this, we didn't ask for this, why didn't we meet somewhere else or at a different time when I was single, that would've been much better, we could've been happy"

"We can be happy." he smiled as he searched my eyes, his hands comforting me, "I'm not too excited about telling your sister but I can't lie to her, I can't lie to you nor myself," he smiled.

I closed my eyes, my sister was in her room and I was here getting cozy with her boyfriend, but he was going to break up with her so it was fine right....

I sounded so evil, as much as I tried to justify what I was about to do , nothing would come to mind, I was selfish because I wanted Daniel, I told him about my feelings, I let him kiss me, I was too selfish to accept that he wasn't mine in the first place.

"Daniel i-" I started but my whole body froze when I heard my sister's voice.

"What's going on here"

Daniel quickly let go of me, his hands quickly sitting by his sides, I could still feel the warmth around my neck were he was comforting me. My brain was working twice as fast trying to think of an excuse of why he was so close to me, this wasn't how I wanted my sister to find out, the guilt was eating me alive.

"What the hell is going on here" she asked a bit louder, stepping towards us and looking back and forth at me and Daniel with an accusing look.

"Uh.." I stuttered "Kate I can explain" I shuddered on the inside at how incriminating I sounded , the whole situation was incriminating.

She shook her head, tears starting to form, my heart literally broke as she turned around and ran to her room, I stood there unable to move, Daniel was also quiet, I looked at him as he stared at where she was only moments ago.

I didn't want things to turn out like this, but what was I expecting, her to smile at me and congratulate me for falling in love with her boyfriend,

I quickly ran after her, not really thinking what I would say once I got there, the only thing I knew was that I didn't want her to cry, not because of me.

I slowed down when I saw her , her back turned away from me, I didn't even know where to start. I opened my mouth but nothing came out, there was no easy way to do this.

"Kate" I called out , I inhaled hoping enough oxygen would give me the courage to face my sister, "I'm really sorry" I whispered, the guilt eating me.

"What is going on" she turned around pushing her hair out of her face, her eyes were red and puffy, she was crying. I stood there with no words.

"What the fuck is going on" she screamed making me cringe , I never liked it when my sister got angry. When she got angry, she got scary.

"I like Daniel" I stated shakily maybe it wasn't the best way to attack the situation but I had lost all reason, there wasn't a single thing I could've said to sugar coat what was going on.

She looked at me for a while like she couldn't process what I had just said, more tears started to slowly stream down from her eyes, she was breathing very hard, hyperventilating.

"But your my sister" she said looking me in the eye " he's my boyfriend" she said possessively, "What about Nathan" she asked while pacing up and down.

"I...I uh .. I don't know but I can't be with him, I don't love him like I should" I answered hesitantly.

"And you love my boyfriend" she asked in disbelief , her eyes wild with an unrecognizable sadness.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to say"

I was the worst sister in the world.

"Tell Daniel to get in here" she demanded with her arms folded.

"But he-" I started but was immediately cut off by a vicious glare.

"Get him now"

I wasted no time in leaving the room in high persuit of him, If she wanted him there, then i'd get him right then and there,

I found him leaning against the table, to think that a few days ago I was sitting there playing cards with my sister, my boyfriend and my best friend. It seemed like it was just yesterday but yet the atmosphere was so different, things had changed, and it was all my fault.

"She wants to see you" my voice broke, my throat felt too clogged, like there were imaginary hands choking me, making sure I felt their presence. Guilt was choking me, I felt bad, but I was sure my sister felt worse.

"Okay" he nodded, shifting from foot to foot, maybe it made him feel more prepared to face my sister, his girlfriend. I didn't blame him, I felt like shit, he probably felt like shit too. This situation was too messed up like we'd all wake up and it'd be a bad dream, I fell in love with Daniel, a boy my sister was in love with, I broke her heart, like I was going to break Nathan's. Was it all worth it?

I dont know how long I sat in that chair, in silence.

I stopped counting the minutes that passed by, I didn't even have the motivation to move , my butt was slowly getting numb by being pressed onto hard wood. My leg was tapping on the ground consistently , my body getting bored but my mind sitting on edge.

I wondered what they were talking about it, the door was closed , I couldn't hear a single thing,

Even when I stood right at the door , nothing..

I couldn't even imagine what they could be talking about, obviously their failed relationship due to me, but that were just taking so long. In normal circumstances I would've gotten up, banged on that door and told them they're taking too long.

But nothing about this was normal, so I stayed put and allowed them to have their time.

What was I expecting anyways , for them to talk for only five minutes, they'd been dating for such a long time, and they obviously had feelings for eachother,

The guilt wouldn't quit.

I get it okay, what I did was evil , messed up, I crossed the line , hell I crossed the line even before I allowed my feelings to bloom into something I couldn't control, and the worst part he didn't even try and stop me, he allowed me to explore him. He allowed me to love him like me reciprocating his feelings finally broke him of trying to keep his distance.

My head snapped up as I heard a door open, my sister walked out with Daniel, he had his eyes trained on the ground. I looked at her as she made her way over, in that moment I couldn't recognize my own sister.



I'm sorry, I know I haven't updated in a long time, I had a major writer's block and I had no idea where to take this story but I figured it out.

A lot of emotion in this one, any ideas on how this will mess up Kerrie's relationship with her sister?.


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