8-I really like you

52 11 3


-Respect is the most important element of our personality.

It is like an investment, whatever we give to others, it is returned to us with profit


Kerrie's pov

Pushing the door open, I looked around but couldn't see him anywhere. Finding an empty table for two I sat down.

What if he doesn't show up, what am I talking about , I nearly didn't show up at all but luckily Danny was there with his 20 questions to remind me.

Suddenly I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes from the back,

"Guess who?" It wasnt very hard to pick up on who it was. It's not like random strangers do this to everyone.

" Lemme guess,  is it my butler Mr Wellington back from his voyage in Paris France?" I just couldnt help myself.

Nathan started laughing and dropped his hands from my eyes. Going around me he took a seat and I could finally see him.

I know its wrong to stare but whoever made that rule will have to forgive me because my brain turned into mush when I saw him.

He was wearing a long sleeved button down shirt that looked like it should be paired with a suit but he made it casual by pairing it with a pair of white jeans, and last but not least he wore a pair of black boots that really complimented his outfit.

"Like what you see?" I can't believe he caught me staring. "It's okay you don't look bad yourself" he said while eying me all the way down and then looking at me with a smug smile on his face.

Quickly changing the topic I cleared my throat and asked "Your not working today?"

He noticed that I changed the subject and he smirked "I asked for my shift to be moved to the afternoon"

"And they allowed you to do that" I sat back and looked at him

"Yea they did, I told them I had something very important to do so they let me off" he said while looking at me.

The same waiter from yesterday came over and gave us our menus but not before she stopped and looked at Nathan like she was processing something in her head and then she put the menus down and just walked away. Wierd. She probably was wondering why he wasn't working.

I ordered pancakes with strawberry syrup and Nathan ordered a small vanilla cake

I started poking at my food, only because I felt awkward just stuffing my face and Nathan just staring at me, I literally didn't know what to do , sighing I looked up at him "Why are you staring, do I have syrup on my face or what" I asked him

"No no your face is fine actually, your cute" I coughed a little when he said that,  It reminded me of when Daniel said I was cute,

"I'm sorry did I say something wrong? " he asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Umm not really actually, I just coughed on a piece of pancake," yea that was a great save but you could clearly see it in his face that he didn't buy a single word I said.  "It's really nothing" 

He reached out and put my hand in his and looked me in the eye "Your cute, your beautiful, your gorgeous, your breathtaking, I've only known you for two days but I miss you when your gone, I like you a lot which is surprising me cause I just met you ,I'm telling you this because I wouldn't waste your time, so Kerrie can I have breakfast with you again "

Woah , I was not expecting him to say all of that, I know that he was being very serious but I just couldn't help but chuckle a little because after that beautiful confession he just asked for me to have breakfast with him again which I would've said yes to.

His face dropped when he saw me chuckle, oh my goodness I felt bad "Yes I'll have breakfast with you again" His face lightened up

That was how I spent most of my morning and afternoon , I spent so much time just talking to him,it felt so natural to share things with him.

I even told him about Zach and all he said was ' Some guys are just pieces of shit' that made me laugh so hard because I hadn't heard Nathan swear like that with such  a serious face. He was just so adorable that I even pinched his cheek between our conversation,  it seems he's used to people touching his face , he later explained that I would understand if I ever got to meet his family.

He told me that he lives alone and took a year off college to work and just gather up some money. He was studying Art which made me think that he and i were going I get along perfectly.

After some hilarious stories about his family especially about his great aunt Anne who keeps on farting at family gatherings, I couldn't stop laughing, my cheeks were feeling so sore because I was laughing so hard.

Saying goodbye to Nathan wasn't easy because If it was up to him we were going to be talking all day, promising to text him later I said goodbye and left the cafe. On my way home I just couldn't  stop the smile that formed on my whole face , a wide grin all the way to my ears.

I started humming Carly Ray Jepson I really really like you in my head all the way home.



I don't have much to say ,,but let me go ahead and just say that I really appreciate you for reading my book.You guyz make me so happy :)👈see. Make me more happy by clicking that tiny star at the bottom of your page. I love my readers, you make my day





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