15- awkward phone calls

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Don't waste your time with explanations, people only hear what they want to hear

-Paulo Coelho


Kerrie's pov

After a very romantic lunch with Nathan we both decided to get going as it was starting to get too dark and plus the weather was making me regret wearing this dress. A shiver ran down my spine as we made our way to the car, Nathan holding the basket in his hand.

"Here take this" he put the basket down and took off his jacket and handed it to me.

"But you'll get cold" I quickly protested

"Honey I don't get cold" he smartly remarked.

I huffed and grabbed his jacket because I was literally freezing my ass off.

Once we got in the car , he quickly turned on the heater and started the car. " So how was your awesome lunch with the devilishly handsome Nathaniel" he asked talking about himself in he third person. I quietly laughed to myself.

" Well it could've been better , there wasn't any music" I replied with a smile on my face. He looked at me with the corner of his eye and even though it was kind of dark with light coming in from the stars and the moon, i could still see how his eyes could seriously cause a heart attack.

I heard my phone buzzing and it scared the heck out of me, I wasn't expecting it and in the end I dropped my phone to my feet. It was so dark I couldn't see it and it just happened to fall on it's front so I couldn't see the lit screen. " I can't find my phone" I quickly told Nathan and he switched the light on for me.

I found my phone and snatched it from the ground in victory. I saw the caller ID and quickly answered.

"Hello" I asked cautiously

" Hello, Hello!! That's all you give me, I've been worried sick , you don't just disappear for the whole day without telling anyone, you don't do that!" I kept quiet and felt my sister's wrath being unleashed.

Looking at Nathan I immediately froze, he was driving, very focused on the road because it was dark outside. But what I had not noticed was the sleeveless white shirt he had on under his jacket which I was wearing at the moment. He was pretty ripped for a guy who got tired just from jogging up and down to a car.

""Kerrie are you there?" I heard my sister calling through the phone. .

"Ahem um..uh yea yea I'm here" I coughed awkwardly into the phone. Nathan was just too captivating, the way his muscles would relax and contract every time he made a turn or changed the gears. I was starting to think it was a bad idea switching the light on.

"Where are you , Daniel and I have been so worried" she sounded really worried and I couldn't help but feel bad.

Snapping out of my Nathan trance I replied "I was out with a friend" and when I said those words Nathan looked at me and grabbed the phone from me.

"Hello this is Kerrie's friend speaking" I heard him speak to the phone.

"Give me back my phone" I whispered/yelled at him as I tried to take it back. He reached out his left hand and put it on my chest, very close to my neck and he just kept his hand there preventing me from moving any closer to him and my phone. He was still driving with his right hand and had my phone perfectly balanced between his right shoulder and his right ear.

"Uh huh"

"Yes the one and only"

"Dont worry I'm bringing her back home"

"We should sometimes"

"Don't mention it"


And that's how the next ten minutes went by, it seems in such little time my sister and boyfri - I mean friend became very close , they talked and talked and he even laughed. I started to feel slightly annoyed because my sister called me and i could've been the one laughing with her. Not knowing what they were talking about was slow torture.

And it amazed me how he could drive with one hand at the same time stopping me from grabbing my phone back. But eventually I gave up and sat back down in my seat with my arms crossed. I wasn't jealous.

Maybe a little, i was jealous of Nathan because he got to speak to my sister when I wanted to and i was jealous of Kate because she got to laugh with him and i wanted laugh with him.

"Are you done" I quickly snapped at Nathan quite loudly may I add.

He looked at me before mumbling something into the phone and I heard a low chuckle and he said goodbye and handed me my phone.

"So tell me what were you guys talking about" I asked him annoyed but still curious.

"Oh nothing" He answered with a sly smirk on his face, that that piece of poop! Oh wow I'm glad I didn't say that out loud because that was a very bad come back. He can't just say 'nothing' , last time I checked nothing wasn't something. He talked to her for practically ten whole minutes and he dares to say 'nothing.

"Don't worry honey, it's nothing important, that was my first conversation with your sister , I had to have made a good first impression, right?" he stated and even though I didn't want to admit it, he was right.




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