14- Self control

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Kerrie's pov

"Open your eyes"


My hand quickly covered my mouth to try and hide the very  audible gasp that escaped from my lips.


Green grass everywhere.

The sky looked even more majestic in this beautiful garden.

"It's beautiful" I said still starstruck

I noticed a hill looking bump on the edge of the grass and i slowly walked to it.

"Hey be careful" I heard Nathan warning me. He didn't try to stop me.

Walking closer to the heap of rock I started hearing a faint sound , it kinda sounds like falling water. Now I'm really curious. Walking a bit faster I automatically stopped once I figured out what I was standing on. A cliff, i was standing on a cliff. Looking up my eyes were met with blue, blue everywhere, the largest waterfall I have ever seen, might be the only waterfall I've seen but it was was big. All I could do was stare at the water falling all the way from the top of another mountain with such force but it became surprisingly still when it was mixed in with the river.

"Hey you okay up there?" I heard and quickly looked back to see a very proud Nathan.

"Yea yea I'm fine, how did you find this place" I asked curiously still at awe with everything

"Well let's say I come here a lot for inspiration" I turned around and as him looking at the sky like there was something there but it was just the sky,  maybe it's an artist thing.

I quickly walked down back to him and hugged him.

"Now I'm getting free hugs, must be the perfume" he said and then he sniffed his shoulder and nodded in agreement "yes definitely the perfume"

I laughed and smacked his chest, I don't know why I did it but my hand just reached out and smacked him in the chest but what got me thinking was the extra two seconds my hand lingered on his chest before I had to drop it. Even if he noticed my little action there he didn't say anything about it, but I wasn't expecting what he said next

"Wait here" he quickly said and ran to the car, i just stood there and watched him run. He pulled out a basket from the back seat which I didn't notice was there before. He ran back up and started panting still holding the basket in hand. He even bent down just to catch his breathe, who knew someone so tall and built looking wasn't so fit at all. Every time he hugged me my head would literally sleep on his chest.

"Your very unfit Nathan, everything about you  is on point, what happened there" I asked and crossed my arms raising my eyebrow.

"Don't judge me okay" then he paused " I am an artist, Artists don't have to be fit, my fingers work out everyday when I text so that's exercise enough for me" he stated stretching out and standing up straight.

"Second surprise"  he raised the basket up and pointed at it.

He removed a blanket on it and quickly layed it on the floor, "ladies first" he gestured for me to sit down and i did.

After me he sat down and quickly pulled out two sandwiches, I looked at it with a disgusted face because it had a half cooked half raw egg inside but other than that it looked okay. "Ow com'on don't look at it like that unless you want the poor sandwich to cry" he said to me. I was hesitant but I finally took a bite of that sandwich and my goodness it was like a gourmet meal in between three slices of fine sliced white bread. There was something sweet like mayonnaise but it wasn't mayonnaise and I had to apologise internaly for judging the poor eggs, this sandwich just melted into your mouth.

"Do you want tea, orange juice, milk, Apple juice , coffee, water , anything you want I'll give it to you" and as he said all of these beverages he lifted them out of the basket one by one.

"The Orange juice, and when did you do all this" I gesture to literally everything that was on the menu today.

"This morning before I came to your house"  he said I and I nearly choked on my sandwich . This means that he knew he wanted to take me somewhere ever since he knocked on my door, he planned it.

"So you came to my house knowing that you were going to take me somewhere" I asked bewildered.

"Yes and I have to say it wasn't very hard to convince you to go out and have fun with me" he stated proudly

"So you finding nothing to watch on tv was just a lie, wasn't it?" I asked again.

"Oh that was the truth, you have literally nothing to watch, but don't worry I'll get you some real interesting movies" he said

"Well I happen to think the movies i have are really ... .. .fun?" I said the last part like it was a question.

"Finish your sandwich and your juice then we'll continue this lovely conversation" he said taking a gulp of his lemon juice, and yes he brought lemon juice too, then he winked at me because I hadn't realise I was staring, I quickly looked down to hide my blush, my face was exploding from redness and it was utterly emberrasing.

"Don't hide your face I like it when you blush" he said and tilted my head up. " See, bless this world with your beauty, beautiful"

his smile grew wider when he saw me blush again

So much for self control huh..


I'd just like I say I wish Nathan could take me to see a waterfall. It was kinda hard thinking of the perfect scene for them but I thought of one in the end. Yay me. and Yay you my fellow readers, I'd be nowhere without you so please keep on




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