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Kerrie's pov

Getting into the house, I heard a lot of laughing and talking in the living room.

"Did you just see that"
"Oh no he didn't "
"Stop laughing I'm trying to listen"
"Pass me the popcorn"

This is how you know that Kate is back.

I walked in and saw my mom, Kate and Daniel watching ex's on the beach. My goodness. Kerrie looked so consumed into the show just like my mom. Daniel was just sitting there looking at the screen, I don't think he was really paying attention.

"Kerrie your back! you missed the best part , you should've seen it ," my sister exclaimed when she noticed that I had came back from the cafe.

Well that put all the attention on me.

"What took you so long, was the pie too sweet" she said while moving her eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

" Yes the pie was very sweet" I couldnt help but blush remembering my 'date' with Nathan but my thoughts were ruined when I remembered that she probably thought I was out with Zach so I quickly changed the subject

"what's going on here?"

" Oh we're just watching ex's on the beach, my idea ofcourse" she stated looking so proud.

"I'm so sorry your going through all of this " I looked at Daniel with a sympathetic look on my face.

He started chuckling but finally said "Thank you but if kate likes it then I'm happy"

That was so sweet.

"Well I've already had enough and I've just came back, so I'll just go take a nap"

"Sweet dreams Kerrie, don't let the bed bugs bite" Kate sang very loudly as I walked up stairs to my room.

Stepping into the familiar room I closed the door and rested my back against it, how can a morning be so energy consuming.

Taking off my shoes I fell onto my bed with a loud sigh. Feeling my muscles relax I smiled with contentment. Today had proven to be one of my favourite mornings.

Nathan is absolutely the sweetest guy I've ever met in my whole life, he's really funny and I don't think I've ever mentioned but he is hot.

Snuggling closer to my pillow I slowly dozed off , smiling because for the first time in a long time I finally felt like things were going my way.

I woke up to darkness. Glancing to the side of my bed at my night stand I saw the little clock flashing 20:55 with a bright red colour. There was only the light streaming down from my window that helped me see where a few of my things were. I could see the stars from that window and they looked majestic tonight . With the little amount of light I got out of bed and walked towards my door.

You'd think living in a house with people that love you so much, they would at least pull your curtains down and switch on the light for you so you wouldn't wake up in complete darkness. But no this is what I get, both my parents know that I'm not particularly fond of the darkness.

Stepping downstairs I decided to go to the kitchen to get a snack as I was starting to feel hungry. Two breakfasts a day isn't enough.

Once I reached the kitchen I decided on having some cereal.I know, I know breakfast again but I couldn't think of anything fast to make. I opened the fridge and looked for the milk , pulling it out of the fridge ,I got the shock of my life. When all of the milks content spilled out of the carton drenching my toes and the floor.

Oh my goodness, its spilling everywhere ,eeew eeeew. I started frantically looking everywhere for a mop or a dish cloth or something to help me soak up all the milk before it spreads across the whole kitchen.

Seeing as there was nothing in sight I could use, I took a deep breath and looked down at my clothes, 'This is one of my favourite tops' I thought to myself but oh well

I jumped only the floor falling onto the liquid that was on the floor. Twisting and wiggling trying to soak up all the milk but all I was doing was taking a swim in milk.

Still trying to make this stupid idea work, I just lay there soaked hoping that what I just did wasn't a lost cause.

I started feeling all sticky and my hair was sticking onto my face, I probably looked like a mess. I was just about to get up when I heard someone clearing their throat behind me.

I froze.

Closing my eyes I hoped , I prayed internally that it wasn't who I thought it was. Turning my head around I glanced up and was met with the one and only Daniel.

Well this is embarrassing.

"Having some trouble?" ugh could this situation be any mortifying.

"No I quite enjoy being on the floor drenched in milk, you should try it some time" I said with a playful tone.

"I'll pass but thank you for the offer , why didn't you get a mop or something" he asked, you could tell he was trying to stop himself from laughing at me.

"I couldn't find anything" I said with a loud sigh ,

" You mean you couldn't find this" he pulled out a mop that was safely hidden between the wall and one of the kitchen cabinets.

"Yes I couldn't find that"

He started laughing , laughing really hard, "Really now" I stated with a bored look on my face

"Okay okay I'm sorry, here let me help you up" he moved closer and held out his hand for me to take.

Contemplating whether or not to take his hand, I took a leap of faith and grabbed onto his hand.

As he pulled me up he slipped on the milk and fell on top of me, he balanced his weight with his elbows on both sides of my head to prevent himself from totally crushing me.

But by doing that he was inches away from my face, all I could hear was how heavy he was breathing, and how fast my heart was beating ...


Cliffhanger , ahhh
Have you guys noticed that the names Daniel and Nathaniel rhym , i haven't noticed it until now, but Nathan and Danny don't so it's fine. But what Kerrie did seems like fun, have any of you ever done something cooky and unnecessary and just laughed about it afterwards.


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