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Kerrie's pov


"Your meal mam" I looked up and was met with a pair of enchanting emerald eyes


This was definitely not my original waiter, she was a girl. He was a guy, i mean yeah he is a guy , a really good looking guy, hot even. Realising that he noticed I was staring at him for too long I looked down at my lap in embarrassment.

"Our famous red velvet cake" He said while putting the plate on my table.

"Thank you, uh... what happened to the girl who was serving me" I asked slightly out of breath like I havent talked to a guy before.

"Oh Jessica, i asked if I could deliver your order to you, she was totally cool with it" he said.

Oh my gosh, his voice was to die for, his voice sounded like it came just out of a movie, I'm even starting to sound like Jade, if she was here she would've told him how smoking he is to his face.

"You wanted to serve me?" I couldn't help but ask, the thought of him going out of his way to talk to me brought a smile to my face.

"Yes, you are a beautiful girl and i love meeting beautiful people," he replied with a smirk.

"What if I'm wearing a mask and this is not my face" I said , the
guy was talking to me so why not make it a little fun.

"Then I suggest you keep that mask on" he said while laughing.

Damn his laugh, i wanted to make him laugh again so I could hear it over and over again.

He reached out his hand for  me to shake it "Nathaniel" he said.

"Kerrie" I replied and shaked his hand. Our hands touched for a little longer than necessary, then he let go.

"Well I hope to see you soon Kerrie" and then he turned around and walked towards what I assumed was the kitchen and all I could do was watch him walk away.

The whole time I was talking with Nathan ,I hope he'll allow me to call him that, I didn't even think about Zachary. I've been so depressed since he broke up with me and for the first time I felt okay, I felt okay.

Taking a bite into the cake Nathan brought me I moaned at the delicious flavours , I'm no masterchef critique but I could eat this every day. Once I finished eating my cake I asked one of the waitresses for my bill.

A large hand put the bill on my my table. I looked up and saw it was Nathan staring at me intently. "What I got something on my face" I asked and he laughed

"Uh no no its just that ..ummm nothing here's your bill" he awkwardly said rubbing his other hand behind his head.

I looked at the bill , the cake didn't cost that much, but hey why complain. There was a little line at the bottom of my bill where I had to sign. Realising I didnt have a pen I looked up to Nathan.

"Do you have a pen"

"Yea, i think I have one somewhere here" he said while rummaging through all his pockets until he found it and handed it to me.

Our hands slowly brushed against each other , the whole time he was looking into my eyes like he had lost something in them, okay that sounded corny. Quickly taking the pen I signed the bill and handed it to him. He then walked back to the kitchen after giving me a breathtaking smile.

Getting up I pushed my chair back to its original position. I was nearly out of the store until someone grabbed my hand and spun me around. Looking at Nathan , he looked out of breath like he ran here or something, maybe he jogged.

Not letting go of my hand he asked " I need to see you, will I see you again?" he sounded serious,

Those ten words just knocked the air out of my lungs, he didn't even say 'want' he said 'need', why would he need to see me again. He said it with such sincerity that I could tag this as one of those moments I would smile at in a movie. I can honestly say that he was indeed attractive. He had brunette hair that was cut shorter at the sides and it kinda looked like He had run his hands through it, maybe it was blond and he died it, but it didn't matter. His eyes were a dark green colour, enchanting. He didn't seem like a bad guy, I could even get a friend out if this.

"Yeah you'll see me again but until then do you want my number" I even surprised myself, never had I given a guy my number so quickly. I've always been so hesitant in giving people my number but here I was,

He seemed to be surprised by my statement , i don't think he thought I was serious. He let go of my hand.

"Sure , just wait" he said and pulled out his phone and handed it to me.

I dialled in my number and gave him back his phone. Saying goodbye to him I walked out of the cafe with a smile on my face.

I finally felt like I was doing something positive since Zach broke up with me. Not that Nathan was going to be my future boyfriend or anything but he seemed like a very nice character. He was sweet, kind and very easy on the eyes..

Getting home I sat down on the couch and took my phone out of my pocket. I saw I had a missed call from my sister so I decided to call her.



Tell me what you guys think of Nathaniel. I like his name very much. What's his deal with Kerrie.? Good vibes or bad vibes. As I always say:





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