37 - Real Talk part 2

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Kerrie's pov

I didn't know what to do with myself so I just stood there, waiting for my sister to say something, the silence was worse than any of the hurtful words she was about to throw at me,

"He's all yours" She announed, breaking the silence.

I paused, not really sure if I heard her right.

"What?" I stuttered, my brain was already prepared for the earful I thought I was going to receive, did she just say I could have him?

"He's all yours Kerrie" she declared.

"Are you serious?" I asked looking back and forth between my sister and Daniel.

Was I hearing things or did she just give me the green light to date her ex. This wasn't how it was suppose to be, she was suppose to shout at me, curse at me, hate me for years before finally forgiving me at a family dinner hosted by my inlaws who would've probably strongly supported me in fixing my shattered relationship with my only sibling.

"You love him, he loves you, why be mad when all I've ever wanted was for you to be happy, even if it is with my ex, I shouldn't waste my time being with someone who could make someone I love very happy" she smiled at me.

I looked over at Daniel and he was smiling at the ground, who knew how things would turn out.

"And I've been waiting for you guys to be together anyways" she squealed and hugged me.

I was frozen in shock and confusion, was I hearing right?

"Wait, you were waiting for me to take your boyfriend?" I asked really confused, the shock on my face was still present, what the hell was going on.

"I'm not blind, I've seen how you guys look at each other, especially when you performed the duet , I was just waiting for any of you love birds to make a move." She winked at me.

I stared at her with a questioning look, was this how easy coming out to my sister would've been if I had told her myself, without Daniel near by, had she ever loved him, or was what she felt for him something more of a friendship than 'soul mate love'. If she had loved him as much as I thought she did, wouldn't she fight for him , why was it so easy for her to give him up.

"Don't you love him" I asked softly, making sure that only she could hear me.

"I do, but I want him to be happy, and I want you to be happy, this just means that my prince charming is yet to come, " she spoke with such honesty that it kind of scared me.

"I don't know what to say" I stuttered, even if she gave us the green light, I couldn't help but feel a pot of guilt brewing in my stomach, why was she so okay with this?

"You don't have to say anything, I'll leave you two alone" my sister turned around and walked back to her room, the smile on her face was unnerving.

"You should really wipe that look on your face"

"What look?" I asked turning to look at Daniel.

"That 'I don't know what the hell just happened' look" he teased while mimicking the facial expression I assume was on my face.

"I don't know what your talking about" I quickly pulled myself together.

He held my hands and pulled me close. "It's over okay," he brushed my hair "Kate supports us so you don't have to feel guilty on that part" he cooed.

I looked at where my sister was once standing, I wondered if she was really okay, deep down. Was she just cool about the whole situation or was she hurting inside. I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she already suspected something, did that make me a worse sister. She knew that I started having feelings for Daniel even while she was still dating him. My sister wasn't heartless.

I would go talk to her later.

I looked into Daniel's eyes, and did a major reality check.

"I have to go talk to Nathan" the words seemed to have been long overdue on my tongue. I dreaded telling him the truth because he was just too good of a boyfriend, he didn't deserve this. I didn't deserve him . If Kate knew then Nathan deserved to know.

Daniel looked down at our intertwined hands and smiled sadly " I know" he shook his head and let out a forced laugh "I know you have to but... I just... It's something you have to do, I can go with you if you want."

"No, I have to go talk to him myself". I stubbornly said, this was my mess I to clean up.

My phone started ringing, pulling me out of my conversation with Daniel.

I picked it up looking at the caller ID and sighed seeing it was Nathan. I turned my back from Daniel and answered the call. I breathed in and tried to gather up some courage to utter at least one word.

"Hey baby" I heard his cheery voice on the other side of the phone.

The words seemed to be stuck in my throat.

"Are you there? Kerrie?"

"Yeah" I answered into the phone.

"I didn't call earlier because I thought you'd still be tired from the performance, but you sang like an angel, I'm so proud of you" he congratulated.

"Thank you" I said trying to keep my voice leveled, my heart was breaking at each of his lovely words, he spoke with so much adoration.

"I have something to tell you, I can't say it over the phone, meet me at the cafe, my shift is nearly over. I have to go now , see you soon." He said quickly.

"Bye Nathan" my voice faltered towards the end but I don't think he noticed since the call was ended immediately. I clutched the phone against my chest, breathing suddenly seeming like a difficult task, I could see my vision becoming blurry because of my unshed tears. It all became too much,

I felt hands wrap around me and I breathed in , inhaling the comforting scent. But at the moment I didn't want to be comforted by the root of all my recent sins. I got myself out of his hug and pulled myself together, telling him that I had to go to the cafe .

"I'll go talk to your sister" Daniel softly said and walked off into the same direction she went.

I grabbed my phone, and headed towards the door. I started making my way to the cafe and my feet slowed down as I stared at the familiar building.

I was suddenly hit by a sudden wave of nostalgia.



What do you think is going to happen once Nathan finds out the truth?

Why do you think Kate was so okay with all of this?

I love Nathan too much,

Who's your favorite so far?

Stay tuned for more.....


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