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Daniel's pov

"Kerrie" I breathed out.

Maybe I should've caught my breath first before I knocked on the door like a maniac.

"What are you doing here, it's two o'clock in the morning" she asked and stepped aside.

"I needed to see you" I answered and stepped into her apartment. I stood in the middle of the room and watched her close her door cautiously.

"How did you even get here" she asked and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I ran" I truthfully told.

"It's the middle of the night, you can't just run, its no time for night jogs" she scolded me.

"I don't have my car, so I wasn't going to take Kate's " I replied.

"What if Kate wakes up and sees your gone, she's going to be really worried" she stated nervously.

The way this conversation was going, I was starting to notice that she was trying to ignore the purple elephant in the room.

"I think we have bigger issues to talk about than Kate" I said and she immediately looked down.

"But Kate's my sister, I care a lot about her-" she started calmly  but I interrupted.

"You didn't seem to be thinking about your sister when you kissed me back" I looked her in the eye, watching her expression.

She seemed taken back by my statement, maybe she thought i wasnt going to be so forward but I didn't run all the way here for fun.

"You can't say that, I still love my sister" she defended.

"I know you do, it's not what I meant" I sighed frustratedly

"I just want to talk about the kiss..., " a glimmer of hope erupting in my chest as i said "you kissed me back" I stepped towards her.

"So what does that prove" she defended , her eyes looking everywhere but me.

"It means you wanted to kiss me just as much as I wanted to kiss you" I solemnly said.

"You wanted to kiss me?" she asked with wide eyes, why was she's surprised by that.

What part of me kissing her didn't prove to her that I wanted to kiss her, people don't randomly kiss each other for the fun of it.

"Yes, really" I stepped towards her "really" she walked slowly backwards "really bad"

Her back hit the kitchen counter and by the look on her face she knew she couldn't escape me because both my hands formed a nice cafe around her , she couldn't escape from me.

Only a few inches separated our beings, those inches of air was the hardest thing I had ever needed to cross just to get what I wanted, hopefully, what she wanted too. Too little space for so much restraint.

"What are you doing?" she quickly asked.

"Shhhhhh" I hushed her. I loved the feel of having her this close to me,

My hand traced her collar bone and traced little circles on the skin underneath it. Her breathing picked up, a low breath escaping her lips.

"I can feel your heart beating." I hummed

She turned her head to the side and closed her eyes. She was fighting against me, against something she couldn't be saved from

"I've tried so hard to stop thinking about you, to stop dreaming about you, to stop wanting to kiss you every time I see you." I confessed,

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