31-The day

35 6 1

Kerrie's pov

"Where's your makeup" Kate asked me, her hands going through all my things.

"Look in my top drawer" I answered as I attempted to straighten my hair.

"I can't let you go looking like you for your big show" she teased.

"Gee thanks" I replied sarcastically "This isn't a show, its an assignment, that so happens to have an audience" I breathed out the last part.

Okay maybe this was a little bit more than just an assignment. I mean there's going to be an audience, so people are going to be there, even my parents. Anyways its not like I'm the only student that has a duet to perform tonight. There's like a dozen other students who are going to perform their duets.

"It might not be a show but your going to sing with Daniel and I'll  be in the front to take a video" she squealed

Currently I was sitting on a very comfortable brown stool thing in front of my mirror. Just letting my sister do what she loves, makeup. And she loves doing my makeup.

"I really like your place Kerrie, its way better than mine" she said as she applied my blush, forcing me to pucker my lips.

"No its just different I guess" I replied once she finished with my blush.

"How do you think the boys are holding up, it is pretty quiet, it's like they're not even here" she asked.

The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. We left them in the living room and we came up to my room to freshen up. But thinking about it, was it such a good idea to leave those two boys alone, they're both obviously raging with testosterone and don't like each other at all. Maybe I should go check up on them..

"I'm sure they're fine" I reassured her.

After applying my makeup, Kate decided to straighten my hair again because supposedly I didn't do a great job, I thought I looked just fine. Even after she straightened my hair she decided on platting me a side French braid.

"Why did you need to straighten my hair again if you were going to braid it." I asked her.

"I didn't know I was going to braid you, it just happened, like a little angel whispered 'braid' 'braid'" she smiled sweetly at me.

She stepped aside and gasped at how beautiful I looked, my eyes were a little darker and i had on a red lipstick. My complexion looked all rosy.

"Now for the hard part" Kate sighed "What to wear" she stated.

This was always my worst part of getting ready. Don't get me wrong, looking pretty and presentable is a must for me but when your looking at a stack of clothes and can't figure out what wear, you get tired. Sometimes I wish I was 4 years old again so my mom could choose all my outfits for me again.

Good times

"What about this one" Kate picked up one of my summer dresses.

I shook my head no.

"This one" she asked and lifted a long blue dress.

I shook my head no,

"This is a disaster, I have nothing to wear and we've been in here for over an hour" I whined "I might as well go in this towel at least its fluffy, it would go with my heels" I mocked myself

"Let's not get depressed okay" she stated and continued looking through the heap of outfits on my bed.

"Perfect" Kate squealed after two whole minutes of silence "I found one and don't you dare deny it"she warned.

She lifted up a white beautiful dress, with diamonds on the boddess and a full skirt that stopped right on top of the knees. I wore it to my highschool graduation and just threw it at the back I my closet. I even thought Narnia took it.

"It's beautiful" I awed and rubbed my fingers against the material "I think we've found the one" I happily gleamed.

"Go put it on" she ushered me into my bathroom and closed the door. I quickly put on the dress and it still fits perfectly, its a little shorter now but not too short that it is inappropriate. It's just fine, and my hair compliments the lacey dress tremendously.

I walked out of the bathroom and my sister gasped. Her smile was ear to ear as she came closer and made me do a full 360 degree turn. She went over into my shoe closet and pulled out a pair of black heels.

"Why black, it doesn't match with the dress" I asked her puzzled.

"It doesn't match with your shoes but it sure does match with your purse and your earrings." She smiled.

I smiled. Kate liked to make big deals out of everything that had to do with dressing up.

I put on my earrings and Kate gave me my purse and we were ready to go, but maybe a little more practice with these shoes because I have nearly fallen on my face four times.

"Come'on Kerrie, your going to be late and i want the good seats." kate whined as she forced me out of my room. I really wonder how she can drag me while wearing heels, thats some master skills.

"Ahem" my sister coughed very loudly and both boys turned their heads towards us.

Nathan smiled and walked up to me and took my hand in his "You look abselutely beautiful" he looked at me with so much love. I smiled back at him and gave him a hug. My eyes connected with Daniel's and I quickly looked down. I suddenly felt really awkward hugging Nathan in front of him.

"Thank you" I shyly replied. He let go of me and smiled.

"Doesn't she look like an absolute angel" Kate beamed and wrapped her arm around Daniel.

"Yes, she looks like an angel" Daniel said and kissed Kate on the cheek, then he smiled but his smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Let's go before we're late for the big show" Kate beamed.

I nearly corrected her again, it wasn't a show. It's just an assignment.

Just an assignment.

We all decided to take Nathan's car to the university as we all would fit comfortably.

Nathan demanded to drive, no one objected as it was his car and I think no one else really wanted to drive. Kate called dibs on the front seat so I was left sitting with Daniel.

It wasn't as bad as I thought, first few seconds were really awkward, then it was an awkward silence of occasionally smiling at each other like freaks who couldn't speak. Nathan had his eyes on the road and Kate had her eyes out the window. I had my leg crossed over my right one and was sitting uncomfortably straight. I could feel every time Daniel moved or shifted in his seat to get comfortable.

I would be lying if I said I hated it.


Its twelve o'clock in the morning and I'm trying not to make any noise while listening to music, here's an update, and I'm more than excited that Derrie are about to sing, I'm sorry, I don't know why I shipped them, I guess it's easier than writing Daniel and Kerrie, but I just wrote it, okay that was awkward, anyways please press the little start at the bottom of your screen or leave a comment if you will, I appreciate all the support so far



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