29 - free show

30 7 10

Kerrie's pov

After that lovely breakfast meeting with my best friend and boyfriend, Jade continuously wanted me to go out with him, I think she just wanted me out of my apartment. Sometimes I think she should just move in, the number of times I wake up next to her, I swear she doesn't have a home. And yes I officially moved into my apartment.

My parents came back and are always calling me to check up on me. I'm thinking of getting a job, not that I need one but sometimes I get so bored and tired of asking my parents money. Maybe I should ask the university if they need someone to clean up the instruments or something, Experience right?

Nathan is a total sweetheart. He still works at the Cafe but He's thinking of going back to school which I think is great. School opened and my classes are amazing.

Jade and I are always together, at school, and at my apartment. I love that girl to bits.

Kate is still here which is surprising, I thought she would've gone back to school but she told me that she's going to be here for longer than I thought.

Daniel is still here too. You'd think he'd get bored of being at his girlfriend's parents house. I don't see him that much, only on occasions where Kate decides to bring him with when she comes to visit. It's not like he would knock on my door just to say hi anyways. But almost all the times I see him its like he's different.

Sometimes I would catch him staring me, or lost in thought. And even when I greet him, there is just something that i see in his eyes, maybe I'm seeing things.

But every time he leaves he looks back at me for a split second before the door closes.

But sometimes I find myself looking back at him when he's walking away or my vision lingers on the cup he's been drinking from, or the pen he's been writing with or the towel he wipes his hands with.

My assignment is due in a week. I've been practicing with him three times a week. I started looking forward to the times when we'd be alone. I've identified this recent fascination as just that, fascination, curiousity.

I have a boyfriend, which i love very much, when I see him my heart warms up, his smile causes butterflies, his green eyes look like they have specs of blue every time the sun is shining on his handsome face. His hugs are warm, when I'm in his arms I feel protected , at home


Nathan comes by the apartment to see me regularly. I went to his apartment a few times too. It was exactly what you would imagine it to be.

He has a fully equipped Art studio, which is the largest room he has. Paint brushes of all sizes, canvases and dozens of paintings on his walls.

His room is very Nathan, he has books of all genres, but mostly romance books. He loves music, RNB , pop, Rap. He rapped Eminem to me, very impressive I must say. His bed was covered with white blankets and linen. Blue walls, a carpeted floor. A working desk, laptop, and a stack of white paper. The coolest thing about his room is his lights, they switch on and off every time he claps his hands. You'd seriously mistake him for a millionaire, another thing I didn't know was that Nathan knows a lot about electronic things like lights, laptops, computers, anything at all.

Is there anything else Nathan can't do?, Well he can't sing, like at all, he's pretty bad.

But i swear it's the most adorable thing I've ever heard. Every time he sings , i can't help but smile.

Currently I'm at my parents house sitting at the table with Kate, Nathan and Jade playing a very competitive game of cards.

This was how we decided to spend the time we had before I have to go to practice the song with Daniel.

"I win" Jade exclaims as she slams her cards on the table and starts with her victory dance.

"No fair, you cheated" I hear Kate complain as this is the fifth time Jade wins.

I on the other hand am not very good at this game. Even if it was my idea to play in the first place.

"Anyone up for a movie"we all turn our direction to Nathan.

"Im in" Kate says as she throws her cards onto the table.

"Fine with me" I say as I get up.

"I vote for X-Men" Kate runs into the living room.

"Noo,Divergent" I hear Jade protest.

I laughed and pushed in my chair.

Nathan came over and stood in front of me with a mischevious glint in his eyes

"I missed you" he smiled at me and intertwined our hands.

"We were hanging out all day"

"I know but I missed us alone like this" he moved closer and his chest was close probably an inch from touching mine. I pecked his lips with a tiny kiss.

"Is that all I get," he pouted, caressed my cheek, "Just one more will be enough" he whispered before he crashed his lips on mine.

My hand found its way into his hair and my other hand fisted on his shirt. His grip on my waist tightened.

I don't think I'll ever get tired of Nathan's kisses, they're just magical.

I slowly started moving back but his lips never left mine. My back hit the table behind me and I placed one of my hands on the table to steady me.

Well this got heated very quickly.

As much as I'm loving this, i couldn't let it go any further, his hand had already burned through my shirt and was caressing my stomach,

First of all we were in a not so private room and anyone could come in any time.

I loved every second of it. Funny, I really thought Jade or Kate would've came in to call us to watch the movie but who's complaining.


I froze, and slowly slid my hand out of Nathan's hair and straightened out my clothes. Nathan did the same and ran his hand through his hair.

This felt just like when my mom caught me stealing that packet of sweets.

"It's time for us to practice the song" Daniel said with his head slightly turned away.

"I'll be right there" I said a little bit out of breathe,

"Go" Nathan kissed me on my cheek "I'll see you when you're done"

Nathan walked towards the living room, probably to join the others.

I on the other hand had a basement to get to.

I had a wierd feeling in my gut as I made my way down the stairs.


I haven't updated in so long, I'm so sorry, forgive me , I'm on my knees but if we're cool then I'll get up.

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