Mistletoe Ball

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"Casey, Richard is here." Jason called from the living room and I looked around my room one last time.

"Just a second." I called out.

What am I forgetting?

With a sigh of surrender I grabbed my purse and closed the room door behind me.

"I am forgetting something. I don't know what, but it's really important." I said to Jason and he let out a small sigh.

"Let's do a run through. Do you have your phone?" He asked and I nodded.



"Charger and headphones?"

"Check, check."

"A book?"  He asked and I nodded.

He snapped his fingers trying  to think.

"Camera?" He asked and my eyes went wide.

"Extra, film and memory card." I said and he looked at me in confusion. But I just smiled at him and ran to my room.

"See? I knew I was forgetting something." I said and I grabbed my suitcase's handle.

"Thank you for reminding me." I smiled at him as we left the apartment, making sure the door was tightly locked.

"You are very welcome." He smiled.

"Isn't this great?" I asked. "Instead of being in school we get to go to New York." I smiled and he nodded.

"Perks of dating me."

"Dating you has many perks." He said before kissing my hair.

"You're not so bad yourself." I shrugged and he laughed.

Not so bad at all.


"Are you hungry?" Jason asked as we waited for our flight to board.

"No, that milkshake on the way here was a bad idea." I grimaced.

"What did I say?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"You said, milkshakes at nine o'clock in the morning is a bad idea." I mocked.

"I don't even know how you managed to get a milkshake at that time. They were still serving breakfast."

"It was a burger and milkshake place. They serve milkshakes from opening to close. Even with their breakfast menu."

"And people wonder why America is the fattest country."

"Is it the fattest?" I asked pulling out my phone.

"Pretty sure." He answered as I typed in the question into Google.

"We are actually the ninth fattest. The number one is Nauru." I informed him.

"I've never heard of that."

I read the information out loud to him and he rolled his eyes.

"Ninth isn't really that good either." He said and our flight got called.

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