Spinoff and More

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New year new me!

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New year new me!

Jus kidding. But... new year new books!!!

Open Feelings is getting a spinoff!! It's going to be Adam and Katie's story set in their sophomore/ junior year of high school. Which means Casey is not even in there because she's in New York dating bad bad Christopher Danes.

Speaking of bad, Jason is not the sweet and gentle sweetheart that we know and love. He's still angry with his AWOL mom and he treats girls a whole lot different.

The book is already up on my profile but I won't start updating until spring time because I need time to brainstorm and such. But add it to your library/reading lists so you'll know when I update 💕.

That's is all. I hope you guys had an awesome 2016 and an even awesome 2017.

Before I say goodbye, here are 12 cool facts about Open Feelings.


1: The entire cast was going to be in their freshman year of college instead of senior year of high school.

2: Chase was actually going to be gay.

3: This entire book does not have a specific state/city.

4: Casey's mom was going to have a brain tumor. Hence all of the migraines.

5: Casey was going to have a half sister.

6: Nicolas, Aurelie and Christopher were suppose to be in a gang.

7: Uncle Vince was going to be the real reason Jason's mom left town. He was gonna try to steal the company from Mr. McCall by using her.

8: Jason and Casey almost didn't get back together after the breakup.

9: Jason was originally going to be a major dick that you readers would hate to love.

10: I never actually gave Chase a last name.

11: Tyler was suppose to get in a tragic car accident.

12: Jason was suppose to date Hilary for a very long time (his first love) but Casey is too irresistible 😜.

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