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© All rights reserved to Lelaniiofwgktaa happy readings ;)

I woke up to Aaric's hand draped around my waist; not wanting to move to much i slowly turned around studying all his features, the way the lines in his forehead relaxed, the way his nose was long and pointed at the end, they way the out line of his lips were so prominent and his cupids bow was so deep, the way he sorta had a cleft chin and the way his jaw was still set in stone even in his slee-

"It's rude to stare." his voice so deep and raspy made my insides melt.

"I wasn't staring." I gave him a sly smile.

"I was awake the whole time and you were staring." He laughed getting up from the bed ; my body immediately went cold and i missed the heat radiating off of him.

"You were?" I questioned  being out of excuses as to why I was staring.

"Yeah super early had to take care of some pack stuff." His back was towards me as I got up from the bed walking over to him.

"Aaric." Wrapping my hand around his torso from the back.

"Yeah?" His movements stopped and he turned around so we were now staring at each other.

"My dad was an alpha , My grandpa is an alpha..."

Confused he just raised an eyebrow trying to figure out what i was talking about.

"Point is you don't have to say "pack stuff" I know things too ya know." i smiled going back to bed.



"I don't see why i had to get out of bed to stare at trees." He told me to shower and get dress put on comfortable clothes for this; we're in the middle of the woods.

"We're not staring at trees." his laugh vibrating through me making me smile.

"Then what are we doing?" I question taking off my running sweater it was getting hot quickly.

"Training." He turned around towards me with a cheeky smile.

"l dont even have my-" my sentence getting cut off by Aaric's movement of kicking something towards me; looking down at his feet to see my dads bow , my quiver and arrows loaded into it.

"I couldn't touch it." He looked confused but just turned back around.

I grabbed the bow the metal cooling my hand and my grip getting tighter as i took a bow from my quiver and loaded it, i closed my eyes listening to my surroundings and a scream echoed from the woods; my eyes flew open staring at Aaric who was staring at me the same look on his face.

"Go back into the cabin." he was stripping down he's gonna SHIFT.

"No way im going with you." I stood stubbornly ready to run and track.

"Kalessie go inside-" Getting cut off by another scream of agony he stripped faster , he's taking too long I contemplated my options and i decided to go with the best one before he could stop me I ran off into the woods.

I was running so fast my legs burned from lack of training my heart thumped in my chest and my breaths became short but that's the best part to me because its no longer physical its mental i know I'm physically able to keep running but am i mentally able to keep pushing my self. It was only 2 seconds before i heard a loud howl one that made me stumble and lose balance because of the strength I turned to see Aaric's wolf hugely and blindingly white standing over me his lips were turned up his tail straight out and his ears pointed angered by me his wolf was 6 times bigger then any that I've seen I didn't have a chance to admire long because he nudged me with his head to go back the direction i came but i didn't. His insides rumbling and his breathing ragged and wild a loud growl was directed at me disapprovingly.

Another scream echoed through the woods and i stared back at Aaric's wolf form both of us challenging one another to move. I ran again DEFIANT the screams didn't stop this time they came in clumps slowly and slowly getting lower and lower. I stop running Aaric right behind me growling at me every time I moved not telling me but demanding me to turn around and go back.

"Stop growling in my ear i can't focus." i waved him off squatting down to inspect deep footprints in the mud a leaf with the slightest speck of blood caught my eye I picked it up sniffing it and i caught  someones scent the screams were louder we were near but not exactly where the person was I walked with more caution now carefully and slowly a deep growl rumbled from behind me.

"hush" I whispered to Aaric but he only growled louder.

"Help me please someone hel.." sobs broke out and around a tree was a girl she was in her teens maybe 16 a little younger then me her leg was leaking blood there was deep cuts on her forehead and she was holding something close to her side but there was blood there too.

Without hesitation I jumped down to where she was. She was scared as she moved back throwing her arms up to guard herself.

"Hey its okay , you're okay; I'm just gonna help you alright I smiled at her my sweetest smile while bending down to her still careful untying my sweater from my waist i took it and  wrapped it around the deep scratches that were making her leg bleed I took the rubber band from out of my hair and tied her hair into a ponytail to look for more injuries I looked up searching for Aaric and he was still there in wolf form staring behind a tree watching the girl carefully.

"What happened here?" i questioned the blood patch were her hand was pushing on.

"I-I was trying to fight back and i tripped the knife w-went into my side." she winced taking in huge breaths of air.

"okay im gonna get you safe then you have to tell me what did this." i smiled making sure she knows that shes gonna have to bare the pain for a bit longer.

"okay , Thank you so much." tears dropped from her eyes and she gripped my shoulder tightly as we walked back home Aaric trailing closely behind still mad at me.


"were almost there." I told the girl we were talking but  shes so quiet.

"hey." I spoke her grip becoming loose and her body feeling heavier i could hear Aaric dressing himself and in seconds he was there shirtless in his sweats taking the girl from my hands.

"whats wrong with her?" i questioned stretching my arms as he burst through the front door rushing to the kitchen and setting her on the table. Not the cleanest but its life or death here before i could ask him anything he came back with a cloth handing it to me.

"add pressure to her side." his voice cold and emotionless.

"okay i got it." It came out all rushed and hurried he ran upstairs in a matter of seconds and back down a phone pressed to his ear pacing the kitchen I just watched as he went back and forth with who ever was on the phone i didn't hear much but I knew that the pack doctor was coming.

The time had been moving so slow until the doctor showed up with four other men they all rushed into the kitchen staring at the girl half lifeless on the table.

"its a warning." one guy spoke. A warning for what?

"well lets get her back so we  can know what exactly happened , everyone out while I work." the doctor motioned all of us out and that why I'm sitting in the room nervously chewing my nails and pacing the floor.

(Happy flipping Friday okay I know I lied I said Wednesday or Thursday but I'm changing the uploads to Friday okay sorry don't kill me but it's just easier on me to write and actually be consistent with uploads I hope you guys liked this chapter it was eventful and kinda poopy at the same time and that ending I know horrible but don't forget to VOTE ❤️ Anywhores )

-deinde tempore usque ad me furoris ones ❤️

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