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Okay! This chapter is 6k+ words and I wanted to make it longer but you guys have waited long enough.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter I feels fucking great to be back!!

Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed and comment, pretty pretty please with a Aaric on top? No? Okay.

Let's get it popppinnn.

Four months later... (Y'all salty or nah)

"He could smash me with that hammer." Mia commented shoving a spoonful of chocolate chip ice cream in her mouth.

I laughed as I nod my head "Chris Hemsworth is very hot."

"That movie sucked" Clara complained as she dug her spoon into my ice cream.

"Hey get your own!" I shouted, swatting her spoon away but my attempts failed as she laughed maliciously successfully stealing my ice cream.

"And things that movie did not... was suck." Mia shot back defensive. Chris Hemsworth was her celebrity crush and the only person Adam would allow her to even think about sexually besides him.

I didn't understand though because in my opinion, Liam Hemsworth was far more drool worthy, Miley knows.

"Why would I get my own when I could steal what's right in front of me." She shrugged and I smacked her arm.

"When are the guys coming back?" I asked no one in particular, I miss Aaric. The though of him made the bundle of joy inside me move around causing a smile to pull at the edge of my lips.

"Someone misses their daddy." I smiled as I rubbed my hands over my extremely large pregnant belly.

After our last ultra sound tomorrow I would be due any day now and although fear was present both Aaric and I couldn't wait to meet he or she.

we decided to wait until delivery to find out the gender of our baby even though everyone else disagreed, they wanted to spoil this child already and he/she wasn't even out of the womb yet.

The thought of finally being a mom sent chills down my spine and my throat seemed to close up in fear, but, on the other hand though I couldn't wait to stare at this child for hours on end and give him/her all my unconditional love.

What if I wasn't a good mom? The voice who tends to win shouted.

What if something happened to Aaric and I and our child was left alone in this insanely scary world?

What if he or she hates me?

What if I can't do it?

I felt the familiar pair of hands I've come to love and know so well touch my arm and I looked up to see Aaric glaring at me.

I had been so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even smell or hear when they came in.

I stared up at him lovingly admiring his beautifully chiseled features; from the way his top lip curved at the ends, to the way his stubble had grown out into a full and thick beard, the way the ends of his hair curled in, and the way his eyes were glaring at me yet still swirling with love and a happiness I couldn't place.

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