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© All rights reserved to Lelaniiofwgktaa happy readings :)
you know when someone who loves and adores their mate explains to you the feeling of waking up with them well I couldn't explain that with Aaric we've slept together maybe once or twice but that's it and now we barely even speak. I screwed up inviting him to sleep with me last night he probably thinks everything is fine and there is no more bad blood well there is.

sitting up in bed I decided to actually get up and be productive so after brushing my teeth I grabbed my bow and quiver and decided to go out and shoot.

after throwing on my training clothes I headed downstairs trying my best to ignore Aaric and not have this awkward conversation with him but I heard his voice whispering to someone else maybe trying to do the same, stopping by the corner I decided to eavesdrop.

Setting my bow and quiver down on the table.

"you can't just pop up here."

"well why not." a female voice responded and I knew who it belonged to. Almost immediately my blood boiled and my wolf howled how much she hated her and wanted to rip her open in seconds. regaining my composure I continued to listen.

"because you have a MATE!" he whispered more eager and angrily

"well I don't want him Aaric I want you!" her tone much lighter and lust filled.

"I have a mate to Jalisa."

"you barely even like her, you're just with her because it goes against everything you were taught as a child..." she spat out angry now.

boy am I glad I wore small shorts, with my head high as my grandma taught me and my confidence booming I walked from where I was hiding just as fast as I did that Aaric's head turned towards me and when he took in my presence he immediately tensed while his little puppy dog just stared in anger.

"Brother I'm here." Lesion walked in and his timing couldn't be more perfect.

"Kalessie you're awake.." was all Aaric said as if this incident isn't happening.

still ignoring him I stood next to Jalisa elegantly and stared him in the eyes with as much seriousness as I could.

Lesion continued walking up from the living room and his face of fear and disgust couldn't be more priceless.

"Kalessie." he called out to me first his eyes holding pity.

"you should choose what you want." I looked at Aaric his face pulling together in confusion.


"you don't have to choose now but you should soon." I cut him off my face still strong when on the inside I was dying slowly but surely.

"and you..." I turned to look at Jalisa her face trying to match mine but in the end, she just looked like she had to shit.

"we'll settle this like men, we'll fight, you just let me know when." Aaric's hand came covering mine and I quickly shook it off as Jalisa stood there lost but equally ready to defend herself.

"I'm not afraid of you." she spat back and I moved closer to her almost whispering in her ear in latin

"nolo autem vos socios" (I don't want you to be).

"I don't speak that freakish language"

"because you have no roots , ask your lover he knows." was my reply to her I gathered myself in a ladylike manner and willed myself to walk away from this mess Lesion closely behind me.

"You, my sister in law are the most...patient person I've ever met bu..." he mumbles on in the farthest part of my mind only thing I can focus on is the breathing in me becoming rugged and it feels as if everything's cracking , cracking pulling moving and it hurts it hurts like hell.

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