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"Amica mae." I called out to Kalessie. I had time after going to the cells so I went out and get Kalessie some of her favorite flowers, they were marigolds, she told me she loved them because they were her birth month flower.

A smile tugged at my lips as I thought about how she's always rambling about that kind of astrology stuff. About how she is the way she is because of her sign, every time I do something she would shake her head and say "you're such a Leo." I rolled my eyes thinking about it.

Speaking about signs today's the beginning of October her birthday would be coming up soon.

Libra's Archard said playfully.

"Kitchen." Her soft voice called out and my heart thumped.

"I brought flowe-" I stared at her in confusion. She was standing there her face pale as if she'd just seen a ghost and behind her were balloons and other party supplies.

"I have a s-surprise." She stuttered out which made me nervous.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I walked closer seeing there was more stuff behind her. Her hand shot out quickly and stopped me from walking any closer.

I smelled urine and looked down to see a plastic stick in her hand.

"I'm great." She smiled brightly her blue eyes glassy and she flipped her palm up and opened it.

My heart pounded in my ears and my hands started to shake. A pregnancy test with two pink lines sat in her hands and my mouth fell open as I looked at the directions on the side.

- Not pregnant
= Pregnant.

"Are you serious." I breathed out my voice hitching in the back of my throat. Kalessie moved away from what she was standing infront of and dropped her hands from my chest.

"You're going to be an ugly dad." Sat a half pink and blue cake. And surrounding the cake were these black and white photos.

I stared at the picture in awe. My pup is in that tiny sack. I thought and tears pricked from my eyes. I saw Kalessie there silently sobbing with tears of joy and I quickly pull her into my arms burying her face in my chest.

"I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" I yelled to the top of my lungs and Kalessie started laughing as she wiped her tears.

I brought her face to mine and kissed her senselessly. Letting her feel all my love for her in my kiss.

"I love you, and I love our unborn child." I spoke to her wiping her tears with my thumb and placing my other hand on her still flat stomach.

"We have to tell my grandparents!" She squealed happily. How'd I get so lucky. I thought to myself.

"How about we plan a huge ceremony, where we tell the whole pack and they can come of course, anyone from your old pack can come if they want." I offered knowing it would make her happy, and I didn't really mind.

"That would be great." She sighed as she got on her tippy toes and placed a kiss to my lips.

"I can't believe it, well I can, we didn't use protection, like at all." I commented and her cheeks reddened.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked as I grabbed two plates and a knife to cut us two pieces of cake.

"Eat this cake, and take a nap." She smiled proudly as she took the knife from my hand and cut the cake.

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