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"Amica mea." Aarics voice rang in my ears as I fought between conciseness and my sleeping state. Groaning in protest I pulled the pillow over my head.

"For someone that's supposedly a vicious killer you're really adorable." His deep husky like voice spoke next to me and with that I threw the pillow off of me glaring at him.

"Ohh now I see the viciousness." The bed shook with his laughter.

"Five more minutes." I complained closing my eyes.

"Well that can not happen my parents are landing at seven that means you have approximately six hours to go shopping and get ready." He finished off looking at his wrist watch.

"Me shopping that's funny." I huffed out sitting up in bed.

"That's why I got you a little help or two." He said smiling and then he went silent showing me that he's talking with someone.

I got up waking to the bathroom brushing my teeth and untangling my unruly brown hair it fell in waves now to my hips I need to visit a salon soon, Note to self.

"This is gonna be so much fun." Mia sang loudly in the bathroom Clara closely behind clearly not wanting to be here.

"I have a feeling your definition of fun and my definition of fun are two totally different things."I said still brushing through my hair.

"Yeah Mia she likes to kill things and you like the color hot pink." Clara snorted from the bed and Aaric shot her a glare from across the room.

"You guys don't have to help me I'm very capable of finding something myself." I spoke more to Clara than Mia.

"Well my brother wants me to help you and I know what my mom approves of in clothing." Clara replied bored looking at her nails.

"Well I don't need your help, it's not like they're gonna like me anyways oh but if I show up in a dress she approves they might over look the fact that I like to kill things for what did you say fun? I've apologized I feel like shit about it okay what else do you want from me it's not like I can't bring back all the people I've killed Claire!" I shouted leaving the room and going downstairs.

Aarics POV

"I have a feeling my definition of fun and your definition of fun are two totally different things." Kalessie smiled at Mia and the funny thing is it's true.

Mia's bubbly and optimistic even though she's been through a lot it never tainted her she let it roll off her back like water on a swan but Kalessie she let it taint her, consumed her till it was all she knew her optimism was ripped away with her parents.

"Yeah Mia she likes to kill things and you like the color hot pink." Clara shot back annoyed and I could see the hurt that flashed through Kalessie's eyes I know it was a bad idea to ask Clara for help but her and Kalessie were inseparable when they first met and now they can't be in the same room form more that 10 minutes I shot Clara a look that she just shook off like it didn't faze her.

"You guys don't have to help me I'm very capable of finding something myself." Kalessie said Back her voice wavering but no one else noticed they didn't see the hurt but I sure In the hell did.

"Well my brother wants me to help you and I know what my mom approves of in clothing." Clara retorted with a cold voice looking at her nails.

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