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Kalessies POV
I wake up in a all white room the monitor in the left of me making an annoying beeping sound that's slowly driving me to the brink of insanity. Struggling I pull myself up and look around the room only to find that it's empty. This is lesions Doctors office so why isn't he here.

Looking down at myself I see that I am now dressed in a night gown type of dress and scars of red,blue,green, and purple fill my skin. Some places have healed and others feel worse. My arm in in a bright yellow cast and just the though of getting up makes my bones ache and my head throb.

Carefully taking out the IV that was placed
In my arm the monitor beeps outrageously out of fear I quickly unplug it. Where is everyone. The house is so silent you could hear a pen drop in the other side of the territory. Walking from the hospital room to Aarics and I's room was a struggle and my breathing is uncontrollably difficult. With every breath being sucked in my lungs feel as though they are on fire and my steps slowly get shorter and shorter.

Finally making it to our room I push the door open with all my might only to find that it's empty. Not even his smell lingers. I really wish I was in the right physical place after the fight because Aaric would have marked me. I would've been in contact with him but sadly I am not.

Making a decision to go downstairs was a scary one. Sitting down on the top of the stairs I slowly had to scoot from step to step all the way down. Once I made it down I rested for a while my heart beating rapidly against my rib cages. I could hear myself taking in huge breaths of air and the fact that I might be all alone scared me even more. My panic attack starts setting in and with a surge of adrenaline I push myself off of the floor and wander around the living room into the kitchen. Like the room and the hospital room before it is empty.

My brain is coming up with all these crazy schemes. Maybe we were challenged by another pack, maybe they got everyone and left me to die seeing the condition I was in. Maybe everyone left. They couldn't deal with such a weak Luna and unknowingly I feel tears start to
Fall down face. To shaky and to tired to wipe them away I let them fall. Even Ambrosine isn't talking to me.

I wander around for what feels like forever and I manage to find myself in front of Aarics office doors with one last push of hope I weakly open the door and fall onto the floor. Almost immediately I feel myself being picked off of the ground but I feel no
Sparks. No anything. This isn't my mate and with that thought I become more afraid to open my eyes. Who's Standing In front of me?

"Amica mae?" I hear a weak voice followed by many gasps and sobs.

I open my eyes to see everyone there. Everyone in the comfort of Aarics office room. Even Annalise is still the but she just stares. She doesn't move. She can't.

"Aaric?" I reply and the lonely tears I once felt are being traced over by tears of joy. I wrap my arms around Aaric and in shock it seems he's frozen,stiff, he doesn't return the hug only stare down at me and smiles a crazy smile.

"I'm dreaming aren't I." He starts and before I can reply he continues. "Well of course you wouldn't tell if I'm dreaming because I am me and I know that you aren't here." He unhooked my arms from his waist and I'm left in shock.
"My mate is gone, Kaliessie is gone and still in my dreams I'm haunted by her beautiful face."

Everyone else in the room is also silent. No one speaks moves. Aarics mom is shaking uncontrollably and his dad is just blank faced and sad.

"Aaric I'm real. I'm right here." I reach out for him but he quickly moves away tears sliding down his face in distraught.

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