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"Aaric!" I'm shaken awoke by Adam

"what could you possibly want?" I grumble back annoyed with my lack of sleep lately between staying up with kalessie and pack work.

"we have to go into the pack house today they'res been some altercations also we have mountains of paperwork and the trade off with the light pack lastly we've caught a couple of rouges that need interrogation down in the cells." he hands me a cup of coffee and I mentally curse for behind schedule.

"Thanks, A." I take a sip standing from off the couch.

"well you're slacking and someone has to keep this place together till our future luna is better." he pats my shoulder sniffing me in one motion.

"what was that," I question stepping away from confused.

"shower for a long time you reek." He flashes me a smile while walking towards the door.

I moan walking over to the closet picking out a nice black suit and decide to ditch the tie and the jacket wearing only the slacks and a white button-up.

after showering and getting dressed I sit in the bed for a while watching Kalessie rest hoping she wakes soon I need to see her eyes feel her warmth it's driving me crazy before leaving I kiss her forehead and head downstairs.

"You ready?" Adam questions.

"yeah, i just need to call lesion to-"

"I called already with all due respect alpha I-we the pack needs you right now so just for today we need you to be the cold-blooded horrible person not getting distracted by his mate's health."

"With all due respect if you wanna tell me how to do MY job fight me for it." I fix my collar and place my hands in my pockets.

"exactly," Adam smiles and we begin the walk to the office to take care of the trade off and paperwork.


"An alpha that's late to his own schedule meeting for a trade off?" Alpha off the light pack Derek questions.

"sorry about that it's been a busy couple of days any alpha would understand," I smile rolling up my sleeves and walking to my desk as I sit down a couple of his guard's smile and I knew he said something through mind-link

"stay calm" Adam mind-links me

I simply smile and ask Derek is he ready to negotiate.

" I was ready half an hour ago." He smiles and someone hands him a file and he sets it on my desk.

I grab it pulling it from the unnecessary envelope and read over it as fast as my eyes could travel.

49% of my land for 39% of any of their weapons and the definite okay if we need help in a war.

"49% of my land for 39% of your weapons what do think I'm an idiot?" I question because I love my land and  got it all by myself no negotiations needed but my father insists on me making friends.

"I wouldn't use that word." A smirk wipes across his old wrinkled face.

"then what word would you use?" My fists clench in his behavior as an alpha who's older in age but acts so childishly.

"Incapable is the word." he speaks as he fixes his tie.

I bring my temper down and try to calm myself.

"incapable I run my pack flawlessly, I take care of my land of my people and if I'm so incapable why do you want 49% of my incapableness?" I ask my time being wasted by a man whose pack is close to being rouges and I plan to take his land soon anyways.

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