Talk dirty to me

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Summary - Dan and Phil go to a party and Phil gets a little drunk

Warnings - No warnings

Words - 1040

Pov - Written from Dan's Pov


"Phil I really don't want to go" I said sitting on the sofa messing with my hair

"Dan come on it's just a party"

"Please don't make me go" I said

"I'm not making you Danny I'll go by myself it's only my old university's friends birthday" he said pulling on a jacket

I was sat with my head in a pillow feeling guilty

"Bye Dan" he said glumly walking out the room

"Phil wait" I shouted sighing

"I'm coming too" I said

"Really! Thanks Dan" he said hugging me

After all how could I ignore this gorgeous human being

At the party

"Hey Phil" said some guy who hugged Phil

"Hey David, happy birthday! This is my best friend Dan"

"Hey" I said as we walked in and Phil immediately started drinking which was weird for Phil as he rarely ever drank

"Phil why are you drinking?" I asked as he grabbed a bottle of vodka

"Because why not" he slurred laughing spilling drink all over my shoes

He walked off leaving me alone and I barely knew anyone I ended up in the corner of a room alone until this pretty drunk guy came over to me

"Hey you look gay and bored wanna fuck" he said

"What! No! Fuck off!" I shouted pushing him away as someone grabbed my arm

"What!" I shouted angrily just wanting to get away from here as I turned around

I saw the most beautiful guy ever standing infront of me


"Oh hey Phil" I said smiling at him

"Dan come dance with me" he said seeming very drunk which I found amusing as he held out his hand which I took happily

We got on the dance floor as Jason Derulo came on



"Talk dirty to me" Phil sang out of tune but in time with the music pushing me against a wall as my breath hitched

"Phil whaa-" he cut me off by kissing me I tried to resist but when your crush is kissing you it's hard to resist

I kissed back happily but all I could taste was alcohol on his lips and I knew I shouldn't be taking advantage of Phil being drunk

I pulled away as Phil grabbed my butt making me gasp as he whispered

"Let's carry on upstairs"

"No Phil" I said calmly

"But Dan I love you" he moaned pulling me closer as I pushed him away but he stumbled falling back

"Phil you ok man?" Asked David who was near Phil

"No I wanna go home" he slurred lying down on the floor

I sighed and went to help him up but he just fell over again

I picked him up as was quite light as David came over

"Hey Dan I've called a cab and paid for it, hope you get home safely"

"Thanks" I said smiling

"Dannnn your so pretty" Phil slurred while I was still holding him

"Well better get home bye David it was nice meeting you"

I got into the cab as Phil was half asleep and I didn't take long into we were home as I managed to somehow get Phil into his room without falling over

"Danyul sleep with me please" he said as I lay him down under the covers

"No Phil just go to sleep" I said wishing to get beside him, Phil grumbled as I left

I got into my room and settled down but I couldn't sleep as I kept hearing Phil calling me



"Dan sleep with me"

I ignored him as I knew he would freak out when he woke up and saw a half naked Dan next to him

My door creaked open and without a word Phil came in wearing just his boxers and a Pokémon top and slid into my bed with me draping his arms over me

I just wished he wasn't drunk


I woke up as I caught Phil running out the room hurriedly and I decided to follow him and he entered the bathroom as I heard the toilet lid bang and then vomiting as I ran in to see Phil sadly vomiting into the toilet I knelt down beside him rubbing his back as he continued miserably

He sat up and flushed the toilet and opened his mouth as if to stayed something but ended up throwing up again as I continued to rub his back like he had done to me on many occasions

He slumped back onto me tiredly

"I'm sorry you had to see that Dan" he said

"It's ok Phil" I said stroking his hair

I stood up and grabbed some aspirin and water and gave it to Phil as I left him to have a shower as I got dressed thinking about how amazing Phil actually is

I waited until Phil was dressed and walked into his room

"Hey Phil are you feeling ok?"



"Dan what happened last night?"

"Why? What do you remember"

"I remember dancing with someone and kissing them and they kissed back and... And I really liked it but I don't know who they are, are they a girl are they a boy?

"Phil-" I started as he interrupted me

"And if it's a girl I don't want to be with them I don't even like girls, boys are better I mean dicks are just way better, and what if it's a girl? But what if it's some weirdo boy most my university friends were but there lips were amazing but I dunno" Phil said breaking down leaning on my shoulder

"Hey hey Phil calm down, so your gay then firstly"

He nodded

"Well that's good because the person you kissed they were gay too" I said smiling

"R-really who was it?" Phil asked sniffling

I kissed him as my reply as he kissed back

"Me" I whispered

"I'm glad"

"I love you Phil"

"I love you too Dan"

Phil started kissing me as I lay back and he was on top of me

"Now Phil"


"Talk dirty to me"

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