
457 13 9

Summary - Phil hates Dan but his feeling start to change when something unexpected happens

Warnings - X

Words - 871

Pov - Dan's


I walked down the hall feeling surprisingly confident as I spotted Phil and his gang

He wasn't mean and we talked sometimes but not really anymore but I wish we did

Phil was by far the most attractive out of all of them

He saw me looking at came over pinning me against the lockers

"What are you looking at Howell!?"

"You" I said smirking

"W-what? Why?"

"Your pretty beautiful" I said leaning forwards as we were miller metres away from each other

"I'm not gay"

"Mhm" I said as I had an idea and I leaned forwards and I kissed him as our lips fitted together perfectly confusing me

He didn't respond but he didn't pull away either and the whole corridor was silent

I pulled away as the bell went signalling the end of the day

"Bye bye beautiful" I said walking off

I got home quickly as I lay on my bed slightly confused why kissing Phil was amazing and why our lips fitted together perfectly

My phone started ringing and I was it was Phil

"Hey" I answered

"Howell! what the fuck happened in school!? What did you to? Why? Now I just don't know? And why did it feel good!? What did you do!? WHY!?" Phil said seemly on the verge of tears

"Howell, can we meet up!?" He said about to cry

"Phil don't cry please"

"Can we?" He said voice cracking

"Sure I'll see you at the park in 10 minutes"

I rushed out the house and walked to the park

Had I hurt him?

Phil was already sat there waiting

"Hey Phil" I said

"Hey" he said glumly standing up

We stared walking through the park the autumn leaves falling around us 

"So care to explain why you kissed me?"

"Because... Well..."


"I just really like you and wanted to see your reaction" I said looking down blushing

It went silent

"Okay?" he said


We stood awkwardly as I was thinking about the fault in our stars

We both jumped when Phil's phone went off and he put it on speaker as the park was pretty loud

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