Not when he's there

604 12 4

Summary - Dan is reading phanfiction when Phil is home

Warnings - nah nah nah nah

Words - 700

Pov - Danyul'z


I wanted too, I couldn't Phil was here.

Phanfiction. About me and Phil.

I was hooked and I loved reading it and shipped phan more than anyone but I only read it when Phil was out which wasn't too often but I loved reading it

I walked into the lounge and Phil was busy in his room filming

I opened tumblr and scrolled through some phanfics as I got comfortable and started reading them as I love the fantasy world of me and Phil

Some of them were sad an most were fluffy and a couple smut which I read but made me feel slightly uncomfortable about how detailed they actually were 

"Hey Dan!" Phil said as he entered the lounge and I lowered my computer screen

"Oh erm h-hey Phil" I said

"Whatcha looking at?" He said sitting beside me as I moved way from him and he frowned

"N-nothing?" I said moving my laptop further away from him

"Your such a bad liar Dan" Phil said before jumping on top of me as he grabbed my laptop opening it, as I saw what he saw



Oh shit well there goes our friendship and my life

"Dan." Phil said with no emotions in his voice

I opened my mouth then closed it again and ran out the room

"Dan wait!" I heard him shout as I ran out the house

I just had my phone and some loose change in my pocket and no jacket

I ran and kept on running until I didn't know where I was and I broke down in tears

I had just ruined an amazing 7 year friendship

I got up wiping my eyes as I came across and Starbucks and used all the change I had, and sat there breathing deeply

I calmed down quickly and I knew I just had to face it

I turned on my phone and there was many missed calls, texts and voicemails

I decided to listen to a couple voicemails

"Dan! Please just come home we'll talk about it!"

"Dan please I miss you"

"Come back Dan!"

"Please call me so I know your okay"

I sighed as I finished my coffee and walked outside having no clue where I was and I called Phil

"Hi" I said emotionless

"OMG Dan! Are you okay? Come home Dan!"

"I don't know where I am" I said ignoring his questions

"Do you want me to come find you?" Phil said

"Is Pine way near the apartment?" I asked ignoring his question

"Yeah follow it turn left and you'll know where you are"

"Okay" I said emotionless still

"Dan do you hate me? Are you okay? What did you do? Can you answer my questions? How-"

I ended the call and started walking home

If that what it even is now

I followed Phil's directions and I got home pretty quickly

I knocked on the front door as Phil opened it holding his arms out

"No Phil" I said brushing past him into my room

I sighed collapsing into my bed as I started to cry out of sheer exhaustion and sadness

Phil walked in and sat beside me rubbing my back as I found it calming

"I'm glad you came back Dan" Phil said as I snorted

Phil pulled me up from my bed so I was leaning on him as I buried my face in his shoulder not wanting to look him in the face

"Phil I really really like you and reading those phanfics made me forget about the real world and that you wouldn't date me and there was a completely different world of Dan and Phil where we fall happily in love and I'm just so in love with you Phil" I said as I slowly pulling away from his shoulder as I  looked at him

"Well that's good..." he said trailing off as I looked at him confused as he moved closer to me as I leaned in as did he and we kissed and it was amazing and I couldn't wish for something better

"Because I love you too"

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