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Summary: Dan and Phil are both at hogwarts in year 5 and not really noticed each other until one night

Warnings: XxX

Words: 1574

Pov: Dan's


I sat in the tower surrounded by owls on a Saturday night wanting to be away from everyone even though my friends kept texting me frantically looking for me

I enjoyed the feeling of my head resting against the cool castle wall and the small hoots of the owls

No one came up here on a Saturday as most people stayed out later or went to a party which was normally by the quidditch pitch or in the dungeons

No one ever suspected a slytherin like myself to be up here

I sometimes wonder if I'm actually a slytherin as I'm not a pure blood, I don't have lots of friends and I'm not good in relationships

I'm a gay half blood with around two friends, could I be any different!?

Suddenly the door swung open scaring me revealing a guy

"Oh I didn't mean to scare you" he said in a smooth slightly sexy voice

"It's fine" I said standing up as I looked properly at him

He was a hufflepuff and he was slightly familiar

"Oh I know you! You're in some of my classes, Dan right?" He said

"Yeah, you're Phil"

"Yeah" he said smiling at me

"Ive just got to post this to my parents"  he said going over to an owl

"What are you doing up here?" He asked me

"Getting away from everyone" I said as he laughed

"Well, wanna hang out with me?"

"Yeah sure" I said as I followed him and we walked outside

"We're not going to the party are we?"

"As if!" He said

We walked out near the dark forest away from most people and sat underneath a group of trees talking about our lives which I enjoyed

"You're so nice Dan, unlike all the other slytherins" Phil said

"Thanks I guess"

"It's getting late, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah see you tomorrow Phil" I said as he gave me a hug and walked off waving as I actually felt happy being with him

I went back to the slytherin common room where my friends Louise and Chris

"There you are Dan!" Louise said shaking me

"Yeah I'm here"

"Where have you been!"

"Out with this guy called Phil" I said

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