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Summary: 2012 Dan and Phil

Warnings: Swearing

Words: 886

Pov: Phil's


I woke up as it was late and my pillow was damp from last night

Me and Dan had a small fight again which I hated and I went to bed crying for the 3rd time in row this week

I sniffed and pulled myself together getting dressed in a pair of skinny black jeans and Dan's eclipse t-shirt which had been left in my room for a while

I walked into the kitchen as Dan was in there as we were both quiet as I felt like I was going to cry

I quietly ate some of my own cereal as I got a reminder to film a video with Dan

"Hey Dan, do you want to film a video with me today?"

"No." Dan said emotionless

"Why not?" I asked cautiously

"I just don't! People already think we're gay enough!" Dan shouted as he let the room

"Wait Dan!" I said as he walked towards the door

"Don't leave!" I said as I started to cry

"I'll be back later!" He said annoyed as I started crying again

I shakily called PJ for the 5th time in two days

"PJ! He hates me! He's left again!" I cried into the phone

"Phil I'm coming over!" PJ said as I cried

He ended the call as I cried into my hands

PJ got here quickly as I was crying still

"I love him PJ! He hates me!" I cried into him

"No he doesn't hate you Phil" PJ said comforting me

"We can't even have a proper conversation!" I said sadly

"What's happened Phil?"

"The Phandom happened." I said bluntly

"What about them?"

"They ship me and Dan and Dan kind of snapped and went crazy saying in lots of videos he isn't gay and he doesn't like me like that which I understand if he doesn't" I said

"Did it get worse?" PJ asked as I nodded

"He wouldn't come out in public with me and wouldn't make videos with me and he barely talked to me or wanted to be in the same room with me and I think he hates me" I said as it felt good to finally say it out loud

"Maybe he likes you and is trying to hide it?" PJ suggested

I snorted

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Just try to talk to him more"

"I'll try thank for coming PJ" I said as PJ hugged me and left

From PJ - ALERT! Drunk Dan is coming!

I felt confused as Dan stumbled through the door

"Heyyy Phillllll" he slurred as he retched and ran into the bathroom as I sighed hearing him throw up

I left him nervous to face him

"Phil! Phil!" He called weakly

"What!" I called as it came out very rude

"Can you help?" He called

I sighed walking into the bathroom wrinkling my nose and the disgusting smell.

"I can't find the aspirin"

I sighed and stood up opening the cabinet grabbed some and a packet of tic tacs too

He threw up yet again as I patted his back awkwardly as he soon stopped as I left not wanting to properly talk to him yet, not like he would anyway

I heard him go into his room where he would probably sleep for ages

I turned the TV on but I didn't really pay attention as I sat there biting my nails as my phone rang making me jump as it was only PJ

"Is he okay?" PJ said sounding concerned


"Who else would it be, Of course Dan! Is he okay now?" 

"I dunno"

"You haven't been with him!? What if he's not okay?"

I opened my mouth about to speak as Dan walked in

"I've gotta go" I gabbled to PJ ending the call

Dan didn't say anything as he sat next to me

It was weird and Dan always sat the other side of the room if he was in the same room as me, never next to me

"You okay now?" I asked timidly

"Yeah" he said quietly

"I'm sorry" Dan said

"I've been terrible to you! I've made your life living hell and I've avoided you and it's been really awkward"

"Hmm" I said

"Is that all you've got to say? Hmm!" Dan said


"Phil..." Dan said

"What!?" I said facing him properly

He leaned into me and kissed me taking me by surprise but I kissed him back

He pulled apart as he looked shocked

"You kissed me back?"

"Oh well done for noticing sherlock" I said laughing moving closer to him


"Because maybe I still like you" I said grinning

Dan moved closer to me and kissed me again but it was more enjoyable as I pulled him closer

"Sorry about being stupid, I thought you would never like me and there was all the pressure from the phandom and-"

"Dan look it's fine, things aren't gonna be like they used to be but there gonna get better maybe slowly at first but it will get better believe me"

I forgot that I wrote this awhile ago and never published it but now I am :)

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