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Summary: When you have met your soulmate in the couple hours following you'll get a tattoo of there name and feel close to them and want to be close to them for a couple days

Warnings: XxxX
Words: 1608

Pov: Dan's


I sat at the desk not bothering to unpack and just put my stuff on the bottom of the bunk beds and starting to draw and waited to meet my roommate even though I just wanted to go to sleep as it was kinda late now

Suddenly the door opened and a tall extremely good looking guy was there

"Uh hi, I'm Phil" he said dragging his suitcase into our room

"Hey I'm Dan" I said tiredly

"What you doing?" He asked leaning the chair

"Just drawing" I said as his breath tickled my neck which was hot and warm

"Thats cute" he said sounding so innocent

I stood up and walked away from him and over to my bed taking off my jeans and shirt

"Oh you tired?"

"Yeah night Philly"

Oh shit I said Philly

"I-I-I mean Phil" I stammered

He didn't seem to mind as he climbed the ladder

"Night Danny" he said as I blushed and went to sleep

I woke up and I could tell it was super early

I could hear crying from above me

I was confused but then remembered Phil

"Phil are you okay?" I said as I heard him sniffle and he didn't say anything

I went up the ladder and Phil was crying quietly

"Aw Phil what's wrong?" I said as he didn't move

I moved and put my arm around him and he cried into me

"I wanna go home" he said obviously homesick

"Don't cry you'll get used to it here and you can Skype your family in the morning" I said as he kept a hold of me

"Stay?" He said

"If you really want me to" I said lying down next to him

He closed his eyes as I awkwardly put my arm around him

It was quite warm and I liked it as this wasn't the first time I had lay in bed with a guy but somehow I enjoyed it more this time

I fell asleep close to Phil as I barely knew him but I already liked him which I knew would be the death of me

I woke up and Phil had his arms around me and I was lay on top of his chest

"Morning Dan" he said as I opened my eyes

"Morning" I said sleepily

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