Theme park

448 10 1

Summary - Phil really wants to go to the theme park but Dan doesn't want to

Warnings - Self harm if triggered plz do not read

Words - 924

Pov - Daniel's


"Dan were leaving now!" I yelled

"Yeah one min!" I said as I ran into the bathroom

I lifted up my white t-shirt and grabbed my razor and cut along the side of my stomach multiple times as I bit my lip as I started to get carried away

"C'mon Danny!" I yelled

I put down the razor and lowered my t-shirt as I walked over to Phil

"Let's go" I said

"You okay Dan?"

I nodded as we got into the taxi

We were going to Alton Towers as Phil wanted to go to a theme park so we were going

"Dan are you sure your okay? You know you can tell me anything"

"Phil I'm fine and I'll tell you everything" I said lying as I couldn't tell him he'd be disgusted especially as I did it before a couple of years ago 

We got there pretty quickly and Phil acted like a small child getting excited

We first wondered over to the game area

"Phil I'm going win you something" I said as I went over and paid

I tried to knocked down all of them but failed but knocked most them down as the guy handed me a teddy bear holding a big love heart

I blushed as I handed it to Phil

"Thanks Dan"

Phil hugged me as I tried not to make a noise as he squeezed me tightly which hurt my cuts although I tried not to show it as we pulled apart and Phil was blushing as he took my hand

"C'mon Dan let's go on here" Phil said pulling me along to a huge ride

There wasn't a huge queue and we were at the front in no time and I felt uneasy as we sat down in the seats

"Phil I don't know if we should go on th-" I got cut off as the ride started shoving us to the right and left as my body got pressed against the side of the carriage as my cuts stung and I could feel them starting to bleed and I hoped it didn't go through to my t-shirt otherwise it would show because it's white

Phil screamed throughout the while ride as did I but because I was in pain and the ride was pretty terrifying  at points  

I looked down at my t-shirt and saw there was a massive blood stain

I didn't know what to do

Phil got out the carriage and I followed putting both my hands over the huge spot trying to act natural

I grabbed my jacket and tried to tie it over the spot when Phil wasn't looking but he turned around just in time

"Dan!" He said shocked

We moved to a empty part of the park where Phil moved my jacket off the patch 

He lifted up my top slightly to reveal loads of self inflicted cuts which were bleeding lots

I sighed turning my head away from Phil knowing he would be disgusted

"Dan we're going home" he said flatly as I didn't say anything as I covered it up with my jacket as Phil carried the teddy best I won him half heartlessly

We left and got a taxi and sat in silence the whole way home as I felt uneasy

Phil didn't say a word as we walked up to our apartment and he unlocked it and we walked in and he locked it

Phil pinned me up against the wall as I gasped

"Why did you do it! Dan why!" He said in a demanding voice

I stayed quiet

"Dan Why!" Phil shouted scaring me slightly

He saw and backed away as I looked at him scared slightly and ran into my room throwing off my blood stained t-shirt

I lay there crying as I heard Phil picking at the lock

He succeeded and didn't say anything just lay beside me

He started stroking my arm comfortingly

Phil moved slowly towards to me

"Sorry Dan" he said

"I was just confused and didn't think... Y'know" Phil said

"It's okay" I said as Phil put his arms around me and put his head by my neck

"Why" Phil mumbled into my neck

"I'm stupid,worthless and ugly"

"No! Dan! Of course your not!" I said sitting up

"Phil those feeling are coming back" Dan mumbled

Those feelings
The feelings where Dan felt worthless not worth living

"Dan your not stupid because you make brilliant videos and know so much, your not worthless, your worth the world and are absolutely brilliant and your definitely not ugly your beautiful and amazing"

Dan blushed madly as he sat up

"You mean that?" 

"Dan of course!" I said throwing my arms around him not touching his cuts

I pulled away from him as I kissed him

Dan kissed back without hesitation

"Dan please don't do that again, talk to me about it please I love you Dan"

"Always being with you makes me feel so much better" Dan said happily

"Well I'll never leave you" 


A couple Halloween type one shots coming soon :)
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